The latest news in the tech industry is Facebook’s new loophole. This security loophole on Facebook has allowed around a million users, both real and fake, to generate a minimum of 100 million “likes”. The researchers from the University of Iowa in the US found out sites that operate ‘collusion’ networks, which generate likes for free. Posts on Facebook that receive a lot of likes are more likely to be placed higher in other peoples’ news feed; which means users with a higher number of fake likes are likely to generate more attention.

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Fake likes on Facebook | iTMunch

In order to get a million likes, individuals have to grant the websites with wide-ranging access to their accounts, so that the accounts can be harnessed to like other posts, according to the researchers. The CBS News reported that the researchers tracked collusion networks in the run-up to the presidential election in the US in 2016, but were not able to verify whether the networks were used to boost posts to benefit or hurt the candidates. The team warns that the networks could be used for other purposes, rather than just generate a particular amount of likes. This could include theft of personal and sensitive information of users.

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