As large tech gets larger, industry managers have started making more commotion about serving homeless populations, especially in those regions where big salaries have driven up the price of living to heights not seen earlier. 

Companies That Took Part In The Cause

Last January, for instance, Facebook and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, amongst other members, created a group called the Partnership for the Bay’s Future that stated it was going to commit hundreds of millions of dollars to develop affordable housing and increase “low-income tenant protections” in the five chief counties in and throughout San Francisco. 

Microsoft meantime made a related pledge in January of last year, assuring $500 million to expand housing opportunities in Seattle, where low- and middle-income workers are being rated out of the city and its neighboring suburbs.

Amazon has offered comparable pledges in the past, with CEO Jeff Bezos promising $2 billion to battle homelessness and to finance a network of “Montessori-inspired preschools in underserved areas,” as he stated in a report posted on Twitter at the time, in September 2018.

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Amazon Takes It A Step Further

Presently, however, Amazon is taking a step that instantly raises the bar for its opponents in tech: it is starting up a place in its Seattle headquarters to a homeless shelter, one that is assumed to become the biggest family shelter in the state of Washington.

Business Insider announced the news earlier today, and it says the area will be able to settle 275 people per night and that it will give individual, separate rooms for families who are permitted to bring pets. 

It will additionally highlight an industrialized kitchen that is assumed to provide 600,000 meals per year.

The location is scheduled to start in the first quarter of the new year.

It is part of a partnership Amazon has experienced for years with a nonprofit called Mary’s Place that has been running a shelter out of a Travelodge hotel on Amazon’s campus since 2016.

Whether Amazon — one of the most important companies in the world, with a current $915 billion business cap — is doing its good share is absolutely worthy of exploring continuously. 

The same is genuine of all tech companies that are ‘eating the world.’

Nevertheless, a homeless shelter at the center of a company like Amazon is worth noticing — and maybe emulating — too.

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