Earth’s climate has always been changing. But what is the reason behind it? The human beings are the main cause for the climate change. Even the scientist believes that human beings are the main cause for the changes in the climate by polluting the nature through driving cars, using ACs, and refrigerators. These changes in the climate can cause natural disasters on the Earth.

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Thus, trending on the latest startup news, some startups took initiative to avoid these climate changes through their innovative ideas using technologies.

The newly startup Asta have focused on the trash to be converted into cash. It took an initiative of collecting recyclables trashes and give back cash for them. Asta is committed to ethical recycling i.e. by collecting the recyclables are sent to the recyclers who convert them into new products.

Asta provides an easy way to make the trash to cash, check for the materials they collect for recycling, keep them separately, schedule for picking them from your home and receive cash while the recyclables are taken away.

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) focuses on the simple and sincere thought to save trees. A real-time awareness is created by the Rainforest Connection. It uses the old, recycled smartphones powered by solar to save the trees. Are you wondering how it is possible to save trees from old smartphones?

It is possible in simple four steps of activities. First, using old smartphones with solar power the sound of the chainsaw is recognized. Second, the recognized sound is picked up and transmitted to cloud API. Third, the real-time alert is received by the agents responsible for the forest. Finally, immediate intervention is taken by them to stop the damage being caused to the trees.

Startups to improvise climate change with technology

The startup OMNI carbon focuses on decarburizing by taking lead for climate change. It introduces a standard way to approach to decarbonize your organization at lowest cost using artificial intelligence. To keep global warming under 2 degree as per Paris Agreement, the OMNI Carbon struggled and found the real solution to it. It designed a software solution for low utilization of carbon and profit more by using artificial intelligence and IoT sensors.

Its resources are based on having passion in rendering pragmatic solutions for Global Warming to the countries like Dubai, Australia, and Washington D.C.

Ecolibrium Energy is a startup introduced for counting every watt spent each day. It helps in saving energy and distributing the saved energy to those who need it. It provides SmartSense Energy Intelligence to Industrial and Commercial consumers.
The consumers use the amount of energy that needed. It also helps the companies to meet their demand in consuming energy and improvising their way to consume energy.

The Greenway Appliances is a startup that focuses on making biomass Stoves and Solar energy products. The recent invention of Greenway is Biomass Stove.

People still love to cook using Biomass; traditional mud stove used for biomass cooking emits dangerous smoke in the air. Thus, to save the atmosphere from the emitted smoke of traditional mud stove, the Greenway Appliances introduced Biomass Stove. It is the modern stove which replaces the traditional mud stoves which saves 65% of fuels and reduces 70% of smokes.

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