A brand-new startup named Notivize strives to give product companies straight access to one of their most significant tools for enhancing user engagement — notifications.

The company has been examining the product with picked consumers since last year and says it has now given hundreds of thousands of notifications. 

And recently, it stated that it had allocated $500,000 in seed funding managed by Heroic Ventures.

A Brief History 

Notivize co-founder Matt Bornski has served at several startups, such as AppLovin and Wink, and he stated he has several stories he can speak about the time it takes to replace a notification that’s firmly rooted in your stack.

To be precise, Bornski isn’t speaking about a mere marketing message that’s part of a registered campaign. 

Instead, he said that the “most important” notifications (e.g. the ones that consumers indeed respond to) are usually sent by action in an app.

For instance, it may sound reasonable to send an SMS message to a consumer once the product they’ve bought has dispatched, but Bornski said that truly generating a notification like that would usually need an engineer to record a new code.

Why Notivize Is Better? 

With Notivize, non-coding members of the goods and marketing crew can write “if-then” rules that will start a notification. 

And this, Bornski said, also makes it simpler to “A/B analysis and optimize your copy and your send times and your channels” to assure that your notifications are as efficient as possible.

He continued saying that companies typically don’t make this for themselves, because when they’re initially building an app, it’s “not a normal thing to spend your time and energy in when you’re just examining the market, or you’re striving for product-market fit.” 

Optimize app notifications | iTMunch

Later on, though, it can be stimulating to “go in and rip out all the past stuff” — so instead, you can take benefit of what Notivize has now built.

Bornski further indicated that the company isn’t seeking to replace services that give the “plumbing” for notifications. 

Indeed, Notivize combines with SendGrid and Twilio to send the notifications.

Notivize enables customers to send up to 100 messages every month for free. Following that, charges start at $14.99 per month.

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