ZenGo is developing beyond the essential characteristics of a cryptocurrency wallet — allowing you to hold, transfer and accept crypto assets.

How Does The App Work?

You can presently place aside a few of your crypto assets to gain interest.

In other terms, ZenGo presently additionally serves as a savings account.

The company has associated with two DeFi designs for the latest feature.

DeFi indicates “decentralized finance,” and it has been a sizzling trend in the cryptocurrency area.

DeFi designs are the blockchain equivalent of conventional fiscal products.

For example, you can loan and acquire money, finance in borrowed assets and more.

Although let’s get back to ZenGo.

When you own crypto assets in your ZenGo wallet, you can instantly open the savings tab, choose an asset, like Dai, and pick what percentage of your holdings you desire to keep aside.

Following that, all you need to do is wait. You get a summary of your savings “accounts” at any point.

This way, you can view your whole acquired interests.

Interests are reinvested on its own over time.

You can transfer your money from the DeFi designs back to your wallet whenever you require.

Team Zengo now allows to you save crypto assets | iTMunch

Other Companies Associated

Behind the picture, ZenGo uses the Compound custom, a lending eFi project.

It operates a little like LendingClub, only on the blockchain.

A few users transfer money to Compound to provide to liquidity pools. Different users acquire money from that pool.

Interest prices go up and down based on supply and demand.

That’s how? you presently receive more interests when you add DAI or USD Coin in Compound. But that can vary over time.

ZenGo additionally uses Figment in line to stake Tezos. This point, it is not a lending marketplace.

When you secure some money in a staking scheme, it indicates that you help the services of a particular blockchain.

Some blockchains back staking as they want to be based on proof-of-stake.

As the end-user, it seems like a savings account whether you depend on Compound or Figment.

There are additional wallet apps that allow you to access DeFi projects, like Coinbase Wallet and Argent.

However, ZenGo believes they’re yet too complex for normal users.

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