Over the past decade the rate at which technology has made advancements has been huge. It has revolutionized the way companies function which has resulted business owners to adopt to as many technologies as possible. To follow the same trend, it has been trending in the latest ai tech news that L’Oreal has launched an AI system named Mya. The company has rolled out this technology with the aim to help its recruiters in all the human resource related processes. The system is designed in a way that segregates job applications depending upon job roles. When it comes to human resource processes, such a system is definitely one of the most progressive technology solution in the market. As of now the system has been made available in the UK, US and France. The company plans to expand its horizon and introduce in other countries as well in the near future. Read on to know more about Mya, how it is helping L’Oreal it processes and the difference it is making to the market space.

Read the latest blog titled, "L'Oreal Introduces an AI Chatbot For Recruitment Processes"

Mya: L’Oreal’s AI Chatbot

L’oreal has developed Mya, an AI chatbot technology with the aim to boost their recruitment processes. The main advantage of this system is that it save a lot of recruiter’s time especially in the first stage of recruitment. Mya functions in a way where it allows the HR recruiters at L’Oreal to intelligently stream through talent and segregate it according to job requirements and criteria. Jean-Claude Le Grand, Executive Vice-President Human Relations at L’Oréal, expressed that this is a very novel technology that reinforces HR personnel’s role and enables them to focus on the qualitative and  human dimension of the recruitment process. It surely an important step taken by the company towards the concept of digitization.

Mya Enables Smart Recruitment

As the company is making use of Mya at the fullest, the result is such that the system manages to engage in a conversation with 92% of its candidates and has received almost 100% positive feedback. As the AI chatbot is being used on a very regular basis, the focus of all feedback has been that the experience has been personal and easy. Mya has proved to be a time saving solution for the company since it automates the initial process scrutinizing the candidates, segregating them in different job categories and other such processes.

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L’Oreal’s move of introducing an AI system like Mya is one of it’s biggest achievements. As artificial intelligence is known to be one of the most promising technology solutions, this system is going to do wonders in the market space related to AI. It is not only going to make HR processes automatized, but also going to streamline processes for better recruitment of employees. Considering this, the industry needs more such technology solutions so as more and more departments of companies get to experience the feel of working with chat bots and adapt to this progressive technology.

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