Despite modern marketing channels such as social media, email marketing is still relevant. Businesses continue to rely on email marketing campaigns, and for valid reasons. Email marketing is affordable, enables companies to reach a wider audience, and is an effective content distribution channel. 

Many studies suggest that over half of the world’s population will use email by the end of 2023. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a wise decision to neglect email marketing if you are running a business. 

We predict that email marketing will continue to hold its grasp and remain a critical marketing tool for companies worldwide. In this article, we present a few interesting email marketing statistics every marketer should know in 2022. 

Marketers need to understand why email marketing is a valuable marketing tool. We hope these email marketing statistics are enough to convince them. 

Before we begin, let’s understand the meaning of email marketing. Does email marketing really work? Continue reading to find out. 

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What is email marketing?

Email application in mobile phone

As the name suggests, email marketing refers to the use of emails to promote products and services. However, email marketing is more than that. Companies can deploy email marketing to forge stronger relationships with their customers by delivering personalized content. 

All in all, email marketing is cost-effective, persuasive, and one of the most efficient marketing channels. 

Email marketing statistics for 2022

We have compiled the most relevant email marketing statistics to shed light on the current state of email marketing in 2022. 

General email marketing statistics

Let’s start by looking at some general email marketing statistics. These numbers will give you a better idea of how popular email marketing is. 

1. 4.26 billion people use email in 2022

A whopping 4.26 billion people use email in 2022 according to Statista. To put that in perspective; over 50% of the global population is using email in 2022. Statista’s report suggests that we will see a 3% user growth rate between 2022 and 2025. Therefore, we will have 4.6 billion email users worldwide by 2025. [Source: Statista]

2. Nearly 333.2 billion emails are sent and received each day

Have you ever wondered how many emails are sent each day?

Statista says around 333.2 billion emails are exchanged each day in 2022. A staggering 3.5 million emails are sent every second. That being said, the volume is growing each year.

As per data, people will send around 376 billion emails each day by 2025. [Source: Statista]

3. Emails vs social media

Did you know that email marketing is more effective than social media marketing to gain new customers? Do not believe us? Now, you will. 

A McKinsey report states that email marketing is 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined. What is the reason? Nearly 91% of consumers in the U.S. use emails each day, offering companies a better opportunity to deliver their message to their audience. [Source: McKinsey

4. Around 20% of emails do not reach the recipient’s inbox 

Nearly 20% of emails do not reach the recipient’s inbox. Why do emails fail to make it to the inbox folder? Many factors could impact the deliverability of an email. Some of these are the frequency of sending emails, email content, and inactivity of the recipient. Therefore, companies should regularly clear their email lists and get rid of inactive users to improve email deliverability. [Source: Returnpath]

5. Gmail blocks 100 million spam emails each day

Gmail icon on laptop

There are around 1.8 billion registered Gmail users in 2022 and 27% of all emails are opened on Gmail. What makes Gmail stand out from the other email marketing services?

Gmail’s sophisticated machine learning algorithm filter out spam emails. The latest Gmail metrics show that it blocks an impressive 100 million emails each day. According to Google, the company can stop around 99.99% of phishing and malware spam emails before it reaches the recipient’s inbox. [Source: Earthweb]

Email marketing statistics for businesses

Now, we shall look at some email marketing statistics that are more specific to businesses. It will give you a fair idea about what you can expect from a well-crafted email marketing campaign in 2022. 

6. Return of investment for email marketing, it’s worth looking at

After surveying and gathering insights from over 2,000 marketers, Litmus found out why email marketing is so popular. One reason is the return on investment (ROI). The ROI of email marketing is an impressive $36 for every dollar spent

What can businesses do to increase the ROI? Companies can run A/B tests, create dynamic content, incorporate GIFs, use analytical tools to measure the key parameters of their email campaigns, and more. [Source: Litmus]

7. Each employee sends approximately 40 work emails every day

On average, employees send around 40 work-related emails each day. However, the number of emails received in a day is between 100 and 120

These numbers highlight the importance of emails in business communication and why social media tools do not make the cut. [Source: The Radicati Group]

8. Adoption of email marketing automation tools 

At present, around 64% of marketers use email marketing automation tools to deliver content to their customers. Finding your target and engaging your consumers is made easier by email automation. Automations operate in the background as you tend to other important responsibilities, unlike manual campaigns. You may use automation to deliver tailored emails to each individual, from first-time visitors to recurring customers. [Source:]

9. Building an email list with landing pages

Even today, around 23% of marketers prefer landing pages to sign up new users to build an email list. That being said, marketers are also trying out other methods. Some of the other prominent sign-up forms are sign-up boxes, wheel of fortune, and pop-ups. Some reports even suggest that a combination of phone numbers and email is the best way to increase sign-up rates.

10. 87% of B2B marketers use emails to distribute content

At present, around 87% of B2B marketers have identified email marketing as a top channel to distribute content. However, we are seeing a shift in the tide as websites/blogs and social media have a slight edge over email marketing in terms of adoption to share content. 

However, the Content Marketing Institute also highlights several additional advantages of social media and blogs, such as getting their content published on third-party websites and developing connections with influencers. Therefore, they are prioritized above emails.

Email marketing statistics for consumers in 2022

What types of emails do consumers prefer? When are they most active? Do they even want to receive emails with marketing content?

These queries are addressed in this section. You can use this data to understand your customers more clearly. 

11. Emails from non-profit organizations have a high open rate

According to GetResponse, the open rate of emails from non-profit organizations is 36%; the highest among all other industries. With an open rate of 16%, agencies rank at the bottom of the pecking order. [Source: GetResponse]

12. Consumers love personalized emails 

Emails with personalized and tailored subject lines have a 50% higher open rate than non-customized emails. Recent studies have revealed that only 2% of all emails have a personalized subject line. Marketers must recognize this and use personalized subject lines to woo their audience and increase the open rate of their emails. [Source: MarketingDive]

13. Interactive content in emails

Adding videos to your emails can increase the email click-through rate by an astounding 300%. This only goes to show that your audience appreciates interactive content in their emails. However, it doesn’t have to be bound to videos.

To highlight some of the points you’re trying to communicate in the email, you can add animations. GIF files also work. Sliders and collapsible menus also add a sense of interaction. [Source: Abtasty]

14. Impact of mid-week emails 

A user going through their email inbox on their mobile phone

If you are wondering what is the best time to send an email to your clients, we have the answer for you. CoSchedule says that sending marketing emails in the middle of the week is a good practice. This is because your audience is more receptive to emails mid-week. 

The best day to send marketing emails is Tuesday, followed by Thursday and Wednesday. 

15. Marketing emails are welcome

Without a question, consumers enjoy promotional emails, but how frequently? Over 60% of individuals surveyed (2,057) said they prefer getting weekly promotional emails. 15% of people want emails delivered every day, and 38% want them even more frequently! 86% of consumers want to get emails at least once a month. [Source: PRN Newswire]

Final thoughts

There is enough evidence to conclude that email will be widely used in 2022. What, can we learn from these email marketing statistics?

Keep in mind that nearly half of your audience will read your email marketing campaign on a mobile device when you launch it. Your emails should be engaging, and the focus should remain on delivering tailored subject lines.

What are your thoughts on email marketing? Has it worked for your business? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below. 

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Image 1 Source: Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Image 2 Source: Photo by Yogas Design on Unsplash

Image 3 Source: Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash