According to a new study by Omnicom Media Group, nearly half of adults 22-45 years of age do not watch any content on traditional TV platforms. However, this does not mean that this 47% is not watching content or ads at all. They are just consuming it in places, where ad models vary, the audience is uneven and measurement is harder.

The Hearts and Science CEO, Scott Hagedorn says that they are not able to reach this group of young audiences effectively, but just over-indexing on older viewers on TV. TV viewing has evolved itself tremendously over the decade. Previously it was described by Nielson, but now the new channels, viewing habits, and ad models have complicated everything. Even though Nielson has the technology that can be used to measure many of these non-traditional platforms, the roll-out is still hampered by the heavy lift it requires from various TV platforms and other content providers.

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Millennial and GenXers are addicted to phone | iTMunch

The latest marketing news says less than one-third of the TV and video consumed by millennials and Gen Xers are accounted for by traditional measurements, based on the study. This study included a survey of about 1500 people. The rest of the content is being consumed by apps on smart-phones and streaming devices such as Apple TV and Roku.

Due to this, marketers do not only have to think creatively to reach the millennials and Gen Xers but also to make the most of it when they do. According to the CEO, the company is headed towards a creative wake-up call. He says, that id most of the content is being consumed on apps, they need to think more about the utility of advertising on these platforms.