To make any business successful, alluring customers to do business with you is the key. Whether you’re trying to entice customers back towards your brand during the times of a pandemic or trying to expand your services in a different market, the real question is – how exactly should you do that? How can you attract your customers and convince them to visit your website, store, office, cafe, etc? The answer is simple – through marketing. But, quite obviously, marketing is a very broad term. 

There are multiple effective types, tactics, practices, and strategies that are used by businesses and are parts of a marketing plan. Out of all marketing methods, the one that has stood out and has always delivered high results is email marketing. Even in 2022, email marketing has managed to maintain its fame and promises the highest return-on-investment of all marketing channels – $42 for every dollar spent.

For more than 2 decades now, email marketing has been a big part of almost every marketer’s toolkit. And over the years, email marketing has not just grown but evolved. The type of technology surrounding email marketing, the way email is used, and the impressive results it has delivered has developed over time. There was a time when email marketing was something business owners wanted to give a shot. But today, it is a no-brainer and it is here to stay. 

Today, over 4 billion people use email and by the year 2024, the number is expected to touch 4.5 billion [2]. Moreover, the number of emails (business and consumer) sent and received every day will cross 361 billion by 2024 year-end, which is up from 306 billion in 2020 [3].

Still, there are some contrary beliefs floating around against email marketing. One might also think that no one likes receiving emails from brands anymore. However, a study by Marketing Sherpa surveying about 2,000 U.S. adults found 96% of people saying they like receiving promotional emails from brands they do business with. Additionally, 86% aid they’d like to receive promotional emails at least once a month [3].

Looking at all these statistics, it is more than safe to say that email marketing is still relevant and works. But how exactly can be used by marketers? Let us find out.

SEE ALSO: 10 Ways To Reduce Email Unsubscription Rate

How to use email marketing services

In its essence, email marketing is a marketing activity that involves the process of targeting your audience and existing/potential customers via email. It helps marketers in boosting conversions and generating increased revenue by offering subscribers valuable information to help them achieve their goals.

Now, there are numerous ways in which you can use email marketing to your benefit. Following are some of the most common ways in which marketers use email marketing:

  1. To forge customer relationships: Build a healthy relationship and a connecting with the target audience through personalized emails 
  2. Increase brand awareness: Stay on top-of-mind of your audience by promoting your company and products 
  3. Promote your blog and content: You can also use email marketing for sharing relevant and original blogs you’ve created or case studies of your successful projects with your target customers 
  4. Generate new leads: Allure users to subscribe and provide you with their personal information in exchange for quality content or a downloadable asset they might find valuable
  5. Nurture lead: Once you have captured the lead, you send more valuable content straight to the subscriber’s email and help them achieve their goals

So, if you want to integrate email marketing related activities in your marketing plan, we have some tips that’ll help you enhance your email campaigns.

SEE ALSO: Email Marketing Vs. Social Media: Which One is Better for You?

6 Tips for email marketing service

Tips for email marketing service | iTMunch

1. Personalize effectively

Campaign Monitor research found that using the first name of the recipient in the subject line can boost open rates by a whopping 26% [4]. Personalizing the recipient’s, like using their name, helps you capture their attention. To make your emails more personalized, you need to make sure that your campaigns are relevant, anticipate the needs of your subscribers, and are sent in a timely fashion. To win at email marketing, marketers need to have a robust strategy in place for collecting and analyzing data from their customers.

2. Beautify your emails

Yes, the message has to be valuable and insightful. But keeping your design clean and attractive will take your email campaigns one step further. We recommend laying out all your elements for the campaign in a hierarchy. You should also put the most relevant information and the main takeaway from your mail at the top, so people can go through your email quickly if they are short on time.

3. Test away your emails

All emails look and feel different when seen from the recipient’s perspective. The email may or may not look slightly different when it is delivered to the inbox of your subscribers. So, it is important to first send a test email to a friend or a coworker who can proofread the email and give you constructive feedback on the layout. Moreover, you should make sure that the email is responsive on mobile devices.

4. A/B test your campaigns

A/B testing is a powerful way to compare 2 versions of a single variable that helps in enriching the user experience. For instance, if you’re confused about which subject line will result in more opens and clicks, you can run an A/B test to understand which of the two subject lines will perform better. Unsure about what time of the day might be better to send your email to yield better results? A/B test can help you with this, too. It allows you to experiment with multiple versions of your email and lets you see how the little changes you make have an impact on the results.

5. Don’t take the ‘unsubscriptions’ personally

Yes, having a huge subscriber base is helpful. But if not all subscribers are truly interested in your brand or don’t ever buy on planning, letting them go is alright. Do not get demotivated by seeing subscribers unsubscribe from your newsletter. This is one of the most important tips for email marketing services.

6. Make the most of automation

With automation, you can set and forget a targeted email or a series of emails for your subscribers. Welcome emails, a series of follow-up emails after someone adds your products to the cart but doesn’t purchase special incentive emails – email automation helps you in streamlining your brand communications so you can get more time for creating more valuable content. Moreover, you can also use email automation for sending order-related notifications to update your customers about the purchases they made from you.

iTMunch offers cutting-edge, highly-targeted email marketing services you can use to send your message across your target audience. We have a massive audience of 9 million users (which is increasing continuously). Our intuitive email automation tool has helped more than 150 brands worldwide create and send over 3600 impactful email marketing campaigns. Have a look at our email marketing services here.

SEE ALSO: B2B email marketing tips & best practices + Free Template

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[1] DMA (2019) “Marketer email tracker 2019” [Online] Available from: [Accessed January 2022]

[2] The Radicati Group, Inc. (2020) “Email Statistics Report, 2020-2024” [Online] Available from:,_2020-2024_Executive_Summary.pdf [Accessed January 2022]

[3] MarketingSherpa (2015) “Email Research Chart: How often customers want to receive promotional emails” [Online] Available from: [Accessed January 2022]

[4] Campaign Monitor (2019) “The 15 Most Powerful Words in Subject Lines” [Online] Available from: [Accessed January 2022]