Spotify lately added a feature that will irregularly pop up a full-screen recommendation of a new album the service believes you will like.

More About The New Feature

It is based on a blend of your listening taste and individual curation. 

Now, it is going to support artists and their teams to pay to target their followers by this same feature, efficiently using the recommendation into a full-screen ad.

The company states this is currently a test and is exclusively available in the U.S. for the moment.

These sponsored recommendations which are finally now ads, as they are purchased and settled for will present to both Free and Premium subscribers. 

This indicates that Premium subscribers will be viewing full-screen ads for the initial time.

However, these ads are tailored to a consumer’s taste in music to be less disruptive to their overall satisfaction of the app.

To manage off any backlash about this fact, Spotify says Premium listeners will be equipped to turn off the recommendations feature if they want.

However, it is not obvious that users will think to do this.

After all, this was introduced initially just as a helpful recommendation feature, not advertising. 

And because it is yet highly personalized, you will hear from artists you often listen to or follow.

Many users might not understand the feature is now transactional. 

Or also, if they do, they might not care.

Sponsored recommendations by Spotify | iTMunch

Status of Initial Feedback

Spotify announces initial feedback about the feature has been positive, which is why it chose to move ahead with its plans to offer this as a sponsored occasion.

It is also cautious not to conquer the app with pop-ups. 

However, there is no set period for these ads to appear. 

Instead, the company explains their frequency will be based on the listener and how frequently their favourite artists are releasing music.

Reached for comment, a Spotify spokesperson told that these ads are rated on a cost-per-click basis.

But he refused to comment on the exact cost. 

For the time being, artists will require to go through their label or distributor for more knowledge about the product, as it is only provided to a preferred group of primary and indie labels.

The company says that these new recommendations will begin to appear for you the next time a favourite artist releases their upcoming album. 

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