Today, the way businesses interact with their customers has transformed. Thanks to the ever-evolving digital marketing trends, businesses have started showing their customer who they are, rather than just telling them. Simply advertising messages is no longer an effective strategy for marketers. As of today, there are around 3.5 billion internet users globally.
With so many users relying on just a search engine to know about a particular business, it has become important for companies to come up with creative ways of conveying their message and telling their story. And, what better way to do this other than marketing quality content? The following are top six reasons that tell you how content marketing can help your business.

6 Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Content Marketing

  • To understand your target audience
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Improve SEO rankings
  • Get more referral traffic
  • Improve brand authority
  • Decrease marketing costs and compounding value

To avail the above-mentioned benefits and maintain that growth, you need to stay tuned to the ever-changing landscape of content marketing; because what is effective today might not be trending tomorrow. iTMunch brings you a list of top content marketing trends and tools which can master your 2018 marketing plan. Keep reading to learn more and create an effective strategy to get the most of your marketing efforts.

Content marketing strategy | iTMunch

What Is Trending This Year?

1. Video marketing still tops the list

According to a report published by HubSpot, video marketing is still a growing priority with 48% of marketers planning to add YouTube to their marketing plan, and 46% to add Facebook videos. To adopt this strategy, you don’t always need an expensive camera or complicated editing software. You could only use a smartphone, with a tripod stand and a social media account to leverage your Facebook videos, Make sure you use tools like Magisto, which uses AI to help you edit and market videos within just a few minutes.

2. Internet of Things is evolving content marketing

Today, customers do not have to depend on their mobile screens for getting content. Internet of Things has made it possible to have content all around us. Think about the times, when you interact with digital assistants such as Siri or Alexa. Businesses have started using these digital assistants to share content on a much broader scale. Make sure you this opportunity and understand what your target audience is looking for and the best way to get it to them.

3. Engaging content still remains the king

Whenever you think about marketing your content, what comes to your mind? Is it a blog post, a viral video or a whitepaper? In 2018, content marketing is creating interesting and engaging content that does not focus on your brand but offers users what they want to read, listen or watch. So, leave all your sponsored posts, branded emails, and traditional ads behind, and focus on creating original content.

SEE ALSO: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Billion Dollar Start-Ups

Tools To Master Your Content Marketing Strategy

The following is a list of a few tools that can help you create professional and quality content that can engage your target audience.

For blogs:
1. Buzzsumo
On Buzzsumo, you can find what is currently trending in the industry and the influencers sharing it. Just enter a topic, and you will find a list of the most-shared posts, content type and much more.

2. HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator
Have a keyword in a mind, but don’t know what to write about? HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator can come to your rescue. If you are looking for inspiration, this tool is ideal to kick start your creative writing process.

For visual content:
3. Snappa
Snappa is similar to sites like Canva and PicMoney, but a lot more intuitive to use. You can use this tool to create graphics for your social media, blogs, e-mails with a wide range of their pre-made templates.

For videos:
4. Slidely
If you are planning to include video marketing in your content marketing strategy for 2018, you should consider using this tool. With this, you can make professional-looking videos for your brand.

Content marketing is here to stay. So make sure you keep yourself updated with the latest trends and use the suggested tools to stay on top of your content marketing game!

Keep reading iTMunch for more such blogs related to the digital world!


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