According to the latest tech news, the social media giant, Facebook is disabling a form of advertising targeting called Partner categories. This form of advertising previously allowed prominent third-party aggregators to provide their customers with offline data. This information includes offline information such as purchasing activity to inform ad targeting.

Facebook believes that disabling Partner Categories will help improve users’ privacy on the platform. This move is also expected to lead to less so-called “creepy” ads on the social media platform. These are those types of ads that seem to be almost too perfectly targeted based on the purchasing habits on different websites.

Facebook disables partner categories for security reasons | iTMunch

This sudden change is also a result that comes amid the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal. Partner Categories was not a part of this scandal. However, this change in the advertising practices can help build users’ confidence that Facebook will take care of their privacy moving forward.

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The post published on the company’s Newsroom blog makes it clear that the platform wants to let advertisers know they it will be shutting down Partner Categories. This product allows third-party data providers to offer their targeting directly on the social media platform. Although this is a common business practice, Facebook believes that this change will bring in an improvement of people’s privacy.

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