In a recent blog post, Facebook announced its new feature called ‘Manage Activity’ that allows you to easily manage (archive and delete) old posts in one go. Through this feature, Facebook allows you to curate a more accurate and presentable picture of who you are today. The feature can be now used on mobile and Facebook Lite and will be available for desktop in the future.

Facebook says, “Whether you’re entering the job market after finishing college or moving on from an old relationship, we know a lot of things change in people’s lives”. Facebook adds that they are rolling out this feature to give people more control over their Facebook timeline.

More about Manage Activity

Using the Manage Activity feature, you can either archive or delete posts in bulk. The Archive feature will allow you to hide your posts you don’t want others to see, but still want to keep for yourself. 

You can also send posts you no longer want on your Facebook timeline to Trash. The posts you send to Trash will be there for 30 days. After 30 days, the posts will be deleted forever unless you delete them manually or restore them before 30 days.

They have also created filters to help you sort your posts and find what you are looking for. For example, a post with a specific person in it or from a specific month and year.

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How to use Facebook’s Manage Activity feature

Before starting to manage your activity, make sure your Facebook app is updated. Follow these steps to use the new feature by Facebook:

  • Open Facebook on your phone
  • Tap on Menu on the bottom-right. 
  • On the top of the page, select See your profile
  • Now, tap on the three dots that are next to Add Story
  • Next, tap on Activity Log
  • Now, tap on Manage Activity that is on the top of the page. 
  • Select Your Posts
  • Once you select Your Posts, Facebook will display all your activities since you joined Facebook. You can also add filters to see posts from a specific date range
  • Check on boxes next to each item you want to take action on
  • Choose if you wish to Archive or Delete the selected posts
  • Again, the posts you archive will be saved and visible just for you.
  • When you select Trash, a pop-up will appear. Click on Move to Trash to delete your posts. The posts will be there for 30 days after which your posts will be deleted permanently.

Here’s a video that will help you use the ‘Manage Activity’ feature:

The feature is only launched recently so there are chances you might not see the feature immediately. 

We all have posted pictures on Facebook that we aren’t proud of. With Facebook’s new feature, you will be able to hide and delete all those embarrassing posts and activities you wish you wouldn’t have shared online.

SEE ALSO: Facebook’s latest ‘Quiet Mode’ option allows you to turn off the app’s push notifications

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Image Courtesy: Facebook introduces ‘Manage Activity’