Australian digital web agency Eon Digital Labs has announced its merger with Victoria-based digital advertising agency, Rapid Click. Through this merger, Eon Digital Labs will gradually move under Rapid Click. Until now, Eon has primarily been focused on digital consultancy and website design and development services.

The merger taking place with Rapid Click means that Eon’s clients will also have access to Rapid Click’s extensive digital advertising capabilities and experience. The market size of Australia’s digital advertising industry is worth $2.3 billion. From 2015 to 2020, the industry’s average growth rate was 14.9%. The projected growth in the current year is 13.3% as per the present demand [1].

The Eon Digital Labs-Rapid Click Merger

The Directors of Eon Digital Labs, Scott Thomas and Billy Bowyer, are extremely pleased to announce the merger with Rapid Click. Mr Scott says merging forces with Rapid Click adds Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, SEM and SEO to their umbrella of services. 

Eon Digital Labs built their clientele’s websites on Adobe’s Business Catalyst Website CMS which is shutting down in September 2021. Scott added that they needed a trusted partner with whom they could undergo the transition and migration of their clientele’s websites from Business Catalyst before the deadline. The merger will help in speeding up this process.

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What Rapid Click says about the merger

Director of Rapid Click, Chris Nimos says that he and his team are excited and delighted about the merger. Mr Chris says that he has been friends with Mr Scott and Mr Billy for more than a decade and they’ve collaborated on several projects during this time. 

This step strengthens Rapid Click’s portfolio, particularly with Mr Billy’s award-winning graphic design and UI graphic design skills. Rapid Click gladly looks forward to the two company’s combined services providing enhanced online opportunities that would increase brand awareness and revenue streams for their existing and new clients.


[1] IBIS World (2020) “Digital Advertising Agencies in Australia – Market Research Report” [Online] Available from: [Accessed July 2020]

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Image Courtesy: Rapid Click LinkedIn