The chief executive officer, Florian Hillen, of VideaHealth, first began studying the problems with dentistry around three years ago.

Hillen is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Harvard trained researcher.

Hillen has been researching machine education and image identification for years.

He desired to implement his research in a field that urgently needed the technology.

Why Dentistry? 

Dentistry, while an unbelievable initial target, established to be a market that the young administrator could sink his teeth into.

Hillen said that everyone goes to the dentist, and in the dentist’s office, x-rays are the primary diagnostic tool. 

But there is a shortage of approved quality in dentistry. 

If you go to three separate dentists, you might get three different viewpoints.

Dummy teeth | iTMunch

Meet VideaHealth

With VideaHealth the machine learning technologies that the company has grown can offer a standard of care across dental practices. 

That’s exceptionally attractive as dental businesses become worked up into huge service provider plays in much of the U.S.

Dental experts also offer a more responsive audience to the benefits of automation than some other medical health professionals.

They can see technologies like image identification will help their practices work more efficiently rather than putting people out of a job.

Hillen further says that AI in radiology struggles with the radiologist.

In dentistry, they assist the dentist to identify diseases more surely, more precisely, and advanced.

The facility to see more patients and catch difficulties earlier without the need for more time-wasting and invasive procedures for a dentist gives a better outcome for both practitioners and patients.

It has been a year since Hillen started the company, and he has already fascinated investors. 

This includes Zetta Venture Partners, Pillar and MIT’s Delta V, who funded in the company’s most current $5.4 million seed financing.

The company already has collaborations with clinics across the U.S. 

And partnerships with organizations like Heartland Dental, which runs over 950 clinics in the Midwest. 

The company has seven employees as of now and will utilize its cash to hire broadly and for additional research and improvement. 

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