The tech enterprise is assembling its significant resources to strive to help efforts against the increasing global coronavirus pandemic. 

The CEOs of Apple, Amazon and Microsoft all gave updates about some perspectives of their company’s continuing participation, which vary from donations of medical stocks and personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline healthcare operators to software plans that help trace and investigate the global expanse of infection.

Apple’s Fight Against Coronavirus  

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple said on Twitter that the company has been trying to source essential supplies that are required for healthcare workers both in the U.S. and Europe, and that the company is merging “millions of masks” for this use. 

Apple also mentioned some of its additional updates by earlier releases, including a $15 million contribution, as well as two-to-one corporate matching for all employee contributions that go to COVID-19 response.

Amazon’s Fight Against Coronavirus   

Amazon CEO and Founder Jeff Bezos gave an update on Saturday on the company’s formal blog that involved details regarding the change in Amazon’s prioritization for its warehousing and logistics services, which now concentrate on necessary items including everyday household staples, baby and medicinal supplies. 

Bezos also restated Amazon’s dedication to empowering 100,000 new roles, along with increasing hourly earnings for fulfilment workers.

Donald Trump & Jeff Bezos discuss as Satya Nadela looks on | iTMunch

Microsoft’s Fight Against Coronavirus  

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella presented a long update about his company’s numerous efforts in a LinkedIn post on Saturday, issuing an email he gave to all Microsoft employees for external consumption. 

Nadella explains some of its telehealth program software work, as well as several collaborative information projects, including the John Hopkins University global COVID-19 verified case tracker. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also published a chatbot evaluation tool for COVID-19 that utilizes Microsoft’s health chatbot tech as its underlying framework.

Microsoft’s Chief Scientific Officer Eric Horvitz stated that it will be giving an extensive analysis data set in cooperation with associates at academic institutions throughout the world, also the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Chan Zuckerberg drive. 

The data set, named the COVID-19 Open Research Data Set, incorporates more than 29,000 educated articles about the virus, and will increase as more are published.

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