The gaming industry is a billion dollar industry that has advanced immensely since its beginning. It has grown from pixels to realistic graphics and has moved from gaming arcades to computers, consoles, handheld devices like phones and tablets and now it is moving on to Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. The advances in gaming technology that are happening around the world are making the entire gaming experience more immersive and real-life like.

Following are 8 exciting, advanced and emerging game technologies that you should be excited about:

1. Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the most fascinating emerging game technologies. Virtual reality headsets and gaming consoles are poised to give gamers a completely immersive experience that allows them to lose themselves in the game. Though it has been ‘the next big thing’ for many years now, it continues to face challenges in reaching the mainstream market. Many of the VR headsets and gaming consoles that have been developed haven’t been released yet. Still, 2019 was a good year for sales of VR gadgets due to the recently released Oculus Rift model and Index VR headset by Valve. 

Virtual reality is really fascinating, but if it isn’t your thing, augmented reality is the next best thing available. AR games are not confined to a computer monitor or television and enable a unique perspective to you as a gamer. The maneuver spaces in the real world making the objects of the game applicable to real-life scenarios. 

2. Cloud Gaming

To have an exceptional gaming experience, a gamer has to purchase all the expensive hardware to play high-quality games. The point of cloud gaming is avoiding this huge investment by making high-end games accessible on web browsers. With the advent of cloud technology, games are no longer limited by memory or consoles. The only thing required by gamers, thanks to cloud gaming, is high-speed internet. Utilizing the power of the cloud opens the gates of opportunity for a game to be uploaded on a massive server where all the images are streamed to the players screen through the Internet. Big tech companies such as Microsoft and Google have already entered the cloud gaming ecosystem. 

3. 3D Scanning & Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is one of the fastest emerging game technologies that is capable of building 3D models of the player’s entire body and putting realistic avatars to it. Gaming companies are also trying to develop facial recognition technology the extent that it can identify account users and block underage children from accessing inappropriate titles.

3D Scanning and Facial Recognition technologies work together enable systems to create this personalized experience for you. The technology is currently being used in games like NBA 2K Series that allows players like you to click and import pictures, create avatars that look like you as an NBA player and even inventively transfer your expressions to the digital creations. Moreover, Intel® RealSense™ 3D camera enables developers to create video games that can adapt to the emotions of the player by scanning about 78 different points on the player’s face.

SEE ALSO: The Capability – Australia’s facial recognition tech & how accurate it might be

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4.On-demand Gaming

Just like you can stream movies, songs and podcasts online by paying a monthly fee in a subscription-based model, the world is getting closer to video game streaming technology. It couldn’t get more exciting for gamers out there. Gamers can already play, watch and share live-streams of their games online but on-demand gaming is surely an advanced gaming technology that all gamers are waiting for.

5.Open-source game development

The advanced gaming technology ecosystem is majorly dominated by AAA game developers and other smaller companies. This environment is most likely to fade in the future as new tools are emerging making it less important to obtain an SDK (Software Development Kit) and easier for other independent game developers to develop and release their games. Apart from the actual developers, the gamer community has proven itself to be more than just capable of modifications to existing games. Open-source game development will definitely be an interesting point of change in the gaming industry.

6.Wearable Gaming

Be it smart glasses of smartwatches, wearable technology makes gaming portable without being extremely invasive. Tech companies that began by using wearable tech for fitness apps are now aiming to incorporate entertainment and gaming technology into the mix as well.

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7. The come-back of the handheld consoles

The old school handheld gaming consoles were out of fashion back in the 2000s, with the immobile video game consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox taking its place. The success of the Nintendo Switch has indicated that there’s still very much a market for a mobile device dedicated to gaming, rather than playing on a tablet or a smartphone. Surprisingly, handheld gaming consoles emerge again as an advanced gaming technology, and this time, even better. It would appeal to the nostalgia of old gamers and those who are looking to play on-the-go minus the distractions of other applications on their phones or tablets.

8. Secondary gaming devices and screens

Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are the three big gaming technology companies that are tapping into the video game market on devices such as tabs and smartphones by creating secondary gaming devices. These devices can be used by gamers as a supplement to the main device or screen that they’re playing on. The Xbox SmartGlass app by Microsoft can be downloaded on the phone and tabs to act like an additional tool which will enhance the game which is being played on the primary device. Wii U GamePad by Nintendo has a touchscreen which augments the primary screen where the game is being featured. Sony has fused it’s PlayStation 3 console with their handheld PS Vita device so that gamers can use the cross-play feature to stop playing on one of the devices and start playing on the other one.

The gaming industry is not being left behind, by any means, as technology makes progress. Gaming companies are continuously focusing on improving the overall gaming experience of the player and new and improved platforms are being designed and released for the same every now and then. Though inventions in gaming might take time, rest assured that exciting times are ahead.

SEE ALSO: Beyond Gaming: How Virtual Reality Can Transform the Future?


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