We can equate consumer data with gold (or diamonds) in the current competitive business landscape. Companies that can crack the code and strategically use data are likely to have a good run in the future. Against the backdrop of this trend, cloud computing has garnered significant popularity over the past decade. 

IT managers and business leaders should know the latest ongoings in the cloud computing world to gain a competitive edge over their rivals. In addition, it always helps to understand the latest cloud computing trends to stay one step ahead of the competition. 

Businesses have identified cloud computing as one way to steer past competition. It is safe to say that the cloud computing revolution has reached different parts of the world, and this trend will continue in the upcoming years. Gartner predicts that businesses in Australia will increase their public cloud spending to $18.7 billion in 2022; an impressive 17.6% rise from 2021[1]

If you are looking to revamp your company’s tech stack, start by moving to the cloud. But before you make that choice, look at some of the most relevant cloud computing trends in 2022. 

Cloud computing is the present and there are few reasons for us to believe why won’t be part of the future. Before we look at the cloud computing trends in 2022, let’s understand the meaning of cloud computing. 

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing has emerged as an excellent alternative for companies to access their computer services. Unlike the conventional on-premise setup, businesses have full access to computing services via the internet. This means that companies do not have to purchase or set up their infrastructure locally. 

Today, software companies are largely focused on rolling out cloud-based solutions. Why you may ask? Simply because cloud computing is convenient, affordable, and solves a bunch of problems. 

Businesses can opt to run all of their IT infrastructure in the cloud or use cloud-based solutions for a few key aspects of their business. They typically subscribe to the services they need, which provides them the freedom to explore the specific technological capabilities they require.

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Cloud computing trends in 2022

Cloud computing has become a key component for businesses that aim to work smarter and complete projects quickly. From a warehouse manager looking to eliminate complex and time-consuming shipping operations to streamlining disaster recovery, the applications of cloud technology are endless. 

Over the past decade, we have seen cloud computing transform from an emerging tech to an indispensable IT resource. There are a few reasons for this change. 

We have outlined a few latest cloud computing trends that are likely to shape the future of cloud computing. 

Future of cloud computing trends in 2022

It is critical to understand that we can deploy cloud services in many ways. A business can pick a cloud delivery model based on its functional requirements, data governance needs, and the current state of its IT department. 

Let’s look at some cloud computing trends concerning delivery models. 

1. While software-as-a-service (SaaS) dominates the market, adoption of PaaS is rising

Cloud applications linked with each other

Software-as-a-service holds the largest market share in the cloud computing ecosystem. The software is deployed via the internet which can be accessed through a web browser. Here, the software vendor handles security, infrastructure, hardware, and the database. Users can configure SaaS applications based on their business requirements. 

Some of the key SaaS trends include vertical SaaS, higher adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), centralized analytics, migration to PaaS, and a surge in the adoption of low-code platforms. 

Although SaaS continues to enjoy a higher market share, the adoption of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is growing rapidly. Since PaaS provides businesses with a development platform that is easy to use, flexible, and turnkey. Businesses use PaaS to foster innovation, regulate and streamline IT processes, and lower operational issues, legal compliance issues, and cybersecurity challenges.

2. Interest in hybrid solutions is growing

Flexible and customizable cloud solutions provide unmatched agility, and thus, the demand for such solutions is growing. In the past, users could choose between public or private solutions. Public cloud solutions are more accessible and provide pay-as-you-go services. On the flip side, private cloud solutions offered seamless data storage capabilities and better security. 

Today, thanks to hybrid cloud solutions, users can reap the benefits of both; public and private cloud solutions. Microsoft Azure is a good example of a hybrid cloud solution. It offers users the flexibility to store data that customers need regular access to on a public server. Sensitive information can be saved on private servers. 

Companies embracing hybrid cloud solutions are currently zooming past their competitors. Hybrid technology is paving the way to create a customized tech environment that falls in line with the long-term goals of a company. 

3. Growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cloud applications

As new technologies emerge, consumers expect new tech tools to incorporate the same. The expectation is justified. Therefore, we are witnessing a significant growth in using artificial intelligence (AI) in cloud computing technologies. Software vendors will have to adapt to evolving consumer demands by combining AI with cloud computing. 

Cloud computing technologies make AI solutions more accessible to a more extensive consumer base. In addition, cloud computing provides smaller businesses access to AI-improved services and advanced machine learning functions. 

When organizations combine cloud services with AI, it allows them to experience the best of both worlds affordably. While the service provides systematic information backup and recovery in a virtual environment, AI helps the cloud handle data and gather insights. Cloud computing and AI are both developing and evolving, and this interdependence will further intensify in 2022. This is one of the key future trends in cloud computing. 

4. Hype around serverless cloud technology is increasing

Data server

IT managers are looking for new ideas to streamline their workload. Hence, it does not come as a surprise to see the growing hype around serverless cloud technology. Serverless cloud solutions automate time-consuming tasks and also help maintain the server infrastructure. 

Besides, serverless cloud technology also provides additional flexibility in terms of bandwidth and storage. Therefore, more and more companies are deploying serverless cloud technology. Mordor Intelligence states that the adoption of serverless technology will grow by 22.6% between 2021 and 2026 [2]

Companies do not have to make a big upfront financial and resource commitment with serverless cloud tech in place. Reducing the barriers to entry for this type of technology makes cloud computing accessible for start-ups and smaller businesses. Now that major providers are delivering products similar to Microsoft’s Azure Functions, everyone may benefit from the strategic advantage that cloud computing delivers.

In addition, the serverless cloud will also play a key role in helping businesses scale while minimizing costs. 

5. Cloud security will be prioritized in 2022

Different devices connected to cloud network

Introducing cloud computing technology to your company requires exceptional planning and execution. During this process, companies should also chalk out a data security plan to keep potential risks at bay. A data security plan also enables you to fend off bad actors from taking advantage of the loopholes in your system. 

Before implementation, it’s crucial to look into a software’s infrastructure. Planning is important since you don’t want to waste time or resources. IT administrators need to take a proactive approach to compliance and data security challenges. They should uncover potential flaws in the cloud system, enhance the monitoring skills, and take effective action after discovering new information.

Businesses have intensified their efforts to create initiatives that improve cloud security in 2022. Businesses need innovation to maintain development, especially in the areas of data transfer and encryption. We expect this cloud computing trend to continue beyond 2022. 

In addition, developers will also emphasize solving bandwidth constraints and repercussions from people who use untrusted devices. 

Future of cloud computing trends

Looking at the past cloud computing trends, 2022 has provided cloud technologies with fertile grounds for growth. Thus, we are seeing more and more companies turn to cloud computing to streamline data management, storage, and other functions of the business. 

The current cloud computing trends show that innovation is ramping up, opening up endless opportunities for IT managers to upgrade their methods to attain the best results. These cloud computing trends in 2022 will help you stay on top of the latest ongoings in the cloud technology world. 

If you have not yet taken the plunge toward the cloud, it is a good time to do so. After all, we would hate to see you fall behind your competitors. You should try out fresh ideas to stay ahead of the curve. 

We hope you enjoyed looking at the latest cloud computing trends in 2022. What are your thoughts on the future of cloud computing trends? Leave your comments below and tell us what you think. 

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Features Image Source: Image by starline on Freepik

Image 1 Source: Image by Wynn Pointaux from Pixabay

Image 2 Source: Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Image 3 Source: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


[1] Morris-Reade. R (2022) “Strong growth in public cloud spending to continue in 2022” IT Brief [online] Available from: https://itbrief.com.au/story/strong-growth-in-public-cloud-spending-to-continue-in-2022 [Accessed August 2022]

[2] (2022) “CLOUD MONITORING MARKET – GROWTH, TRENDS, COVID-19 IMPACT, AND FORECASTS (2022 – 2027)” Mordor Intelligence [online] Available from: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/cloud-monitoring-market [Accessed August 2022]