Almost every business, global or local, has a website today. When a user visits your website, it is your duty to leave a lasting impression on them and make their time worth it. It is crucial to show creativity and some skilled designed work that catches the eyes of people to stand out of the crowd.

In this blog, you’ll see how some of the great websites are u

sing the latest web design trends in their website. We’ve also created a website budget template that’ll help you calculate how much it would require for you to make your website. 

You can download the website budget template for free, just scroll to the bottom of the blog. If you want to know what are the latest web development trends, keep reading.

9 web design trends for 2021 that make you stand out

1. Experiment with different scrolling effects

When a user lands on your website and scrolls, they’re not just navigating through the pages but also interacting. They are trying to get to know your brand and products better. The unique scrolling experience you provide them on your website via scrolling can make a lasting impression on their mind. The cause-and-effect form of participation you include in your web design in 2021 is more likely to make users feel more engaged, and hence, more interested and invested.

Parallax scroll effect is one of the most effective web design trends in 2021. If given the design freedom, designers and developers can create something magical and brilliant with parallax. 

Check out the extraordinary experience created by Moooi. The entire scrolling experience is smooth and so immersive.


Delassus Group does a great job of accommodating horizontal scroll in its website.

Apple’s IWD 2020 landing page uses dynamic scrolling with an image gallery canvas. The website scrolls towards the side where the cursor moves.

Another way you can go creative with the scrolling experience is through scrolling cards. It is a current web design trend that’ll surely be seen in 2021. The scrolling cards can be either horizontal or vertical. Either way, they add a refreshing touch to your website and are a neat way to present information.

Felipe Elioenay beautifully uses the concept of scrolling cards in his website.

Train Robber has used a panoramic image in the background and has brilliantly used it for the purpose of horizontal scrolling.

Things to make sure when implementing parallax and dynamic scrolling in your web design:

  • The scrolling effects you choose to incorporate shouldn’t distract users from crucial information 
  • The effects should be amazing but kept at minimum 
  • The effects shouldn’t make it harder for users to accomplish the task they’re on the website for 
  • Adding an option for users to turn off the scrolling and parallax effects is optional but recommended

2. Reinvent the cursor in your web design

The cursor does not have to be too complicated. You can elevate your website and add some spice to it by just adding a few simple and unique elements to your website’s cursor. You can simply change the shape of the cursor or go as complex as adding cursor-triggered animation to your web design in 2021.

The website of Flock of Siegel did an excellent job of replacing the normal cursor with a custom cursor which is based on the traditional shape of an arrow in a magnified 10X size.

An Los Angeles-based agency Haus‘s website has designed its custom cursor with a “Kaleidoscope” effect. Wherever the user moves the cursor, the beautiful, kaleidoscope animation follows.

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Paolo Fornasier has also created a legendary playful cursor. When the user scrolls over vertically aligned text, the custom cursor shows different pictures as well as plays different piano tones.

So, use this latest web design trend in 2021 to make your website stand out.

3. Minimalism is an effective web design trend 2021

Often referred to as “flat design,” minimalism is one of the latest web design trends that’s gaining popularity in 2021. 

Strangely, people immediately associate minimalism withgoing all white, which isn’t always true. You can pick other subtle colors and create a minimalistic web design. 

Minimalism in web design basically means using subtle background colors with clean text and adding minimum but attention-grabbing easy-on-the-eye design elements.

Minimalism at its best shown by The Post Family – part black, part white and part all in!

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Shopify is another great example of going colourful with minimalism. Every web page of Shopify’s website has a light background colour, bold text and beautiful pictures.

This current  web design trend can give your website a professional look and give users on your website clear-cut clarity about what it is that you do and what you have to offer.

4. More UI/UX focused web design

No matter how many fantastic elements you include in your web design, it is of no use if the UX (user experience) is not smooth. If you are aiming for a modern web design, it is important to pay close attention to your website’s UX and ensure that it is seamless, engaging and uninterrupted. 

This means that you website should:

  • Fast page load speed 
  • Responsive web design 
  • Efficiently use white space 
  • Relevant SEO content 
  • Multimedia

Simultaneously, your website’s US (user interface) should also be intuitive. For improving your web design’s UI, include: 

  • Image captions 
  • VUI or voice user interface 
  • Balanced motion design 
  • Video transcription

For your website to have a modern web design in 2021, all the elements need to translate effortlessly and flawlessly to both mobile and desktop. Creating a UI/UX focused website is a key web design trend in 2021.

5. Use 3D wherever possible

With the maturing of web design technology, web designers have come up with magnificent ways of making websites stand out from the regular ones. Incorporating 3D design elements is another latest web design trend in 2021. 

The Whaou! website has some excellent colourful 3D graphics that invite users to make their own recipes by choosing ingredients.

Yaya has harnessed the power of 3D effect and shown their talent on their homepage with some quirky animation.

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White Void is another great example of how 3D web design can be used to add beauty to your website.

6. Create Augmented reality experiences in your web design

All thanks to the advancements in design technology, you can give users landing on your website an immersive, near-to-real experience centered around your product. This is possible through augmented reality (AR). 

Jeep uses this latest web design trend to provide a peak into the interiors of their vehicle. It uses the power of AR to sell its products and empower customers in the purchasing decision making process.

7. Videos as a web design trend in 2021

An increasingly famous web design trend in 2021 is adding videos to your website’s homepage. Gone are the days when you could use videos only for product how-to’s, reviews and testimonials. Thanks to the ever growing development of new technologies, beautifully recorded videos can be added to your website’s design in new, innovative and exciting ways.

Have a look at these sites with video backgrounds

Jackie is one such website that has a captivating video on their homepage.

mediaBOOM is another great example.

8. Accommodate audio in your web design

According to research by eMarketer, active digital audio content consumers spent 2 hours 5 minutes every day listening to audio in 2020 [1]. This year is likely to add another 5 minutes. Currently, adults in the United States spend 1 hour 29 minutes a day on average on audio content. By 2022, the average time spent on audio content consumption is expected to rise to 1 hour 37 minutes.

While we agree that, at times, music or sound can get annoying when it is unsolicited in some websites, in some cases, adding audio to a website will increase value and make it different from the crowd. Just remember to give an easy way to turn the sound off on your website.

Here are a few websites with great audio that you can take inspiration from.

Nashville-based folk music duo More Hazard’s website pays attention to showcasing their music in a creative manner. Their colourful, creative web design with high quality illustrations is topped with some amazing background music.

Google’s The Hashima Island presents an abandoned island that’s situated about 15 miles away from Nagasaki. The website takes you to this forgotten land through a black-and-white navigation and scary sound effects.

Relax, we are the good guys, a digital agency, has an intriguing website. It also has a black and white web design which is powered by calming and simple music.

So, to stay on top of your game, include this web design trend in 2021 in your website.

9. Make the most of the no-code movement

No code does not necessarily translate to 100% elimination of coding. No code basically provides anyone with a vision or an idea the ability to create. 

With no-code, designers can become front end developers and writers can become web designers. SquareSpace, Dorik, Webflow and Wix are some no code website builders.

The no code movement in 2021 will allow non-developers with the power to transform their ideas into digital assets, which makes it to the list of top web design trends in 2021.

Free website budget template

Here’s your website budget template. You can download it for free. All you need to do is enter your email address and the download will be delivered to your mail.

[download_after_email id=”17318″]


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[1] eMarketer (2021) “The impressive resilience of digital audio” [Online] Available from: [Accessed June 2021]