Uber recently launched the Uber Incubator.

It is an initiative for both Uber employees and those outside the Uber organization.

What is the Uber Incubator? 

This feature will help to improve products and services on top of Uber’s platform.

Uber wrote in a blog post stating that their process follows lean startup methodologies.

They give support and supplies to teams with a compelling possibility, so they can quickly pressure test the business model and emphasize their plan towards product-market fit. 

Once the business is verified sustainable, it gets funding compatible with disciplined business-building practices to climb to the next stage and join into the overall Uber platform.”

For example, the company said that the idea for Transit came out of the Uber Incubator.

Plus there is already another project initiated which is called New Mobility Robotics. 

It involves sensing and robotics for light electric vehicles, such as bikes and scooters, on Uber’s platform. 

Details are limited, but Uber has earlier talked about exploring autonomous bikes and scooters that will be capable of driving themselves to charge areas or other locations.

Uber Incubator- Improve products and services on Uber app

Other Upcoming Projects From Uber

In an event today in San Francisco, Uber also showed off its swappable batteries for JUMP bikes along with kiosks, which it plans to use next year. 

The purpose is for riders to be able to swap out the batteries themselves.

JUMP is also planning to bring these swappable batteries to its scooters. 

This will come shortly after Uber’s JUMP receives a one-year permit to run its shared electric scooters in San Francisco.

As part of the incubator, Uber also has started a six-month entrepreneur in residence program which is open to both Uber employees and external people. 

Those competing in the EIR program will work jointly with members from the incubator.

Meantime, Uber’s corporate team is striving to assure its drivers remain independent contractors. 

As Uber described last month, the company is pushing for a framework that would set a minimum guaranteed earning while on a trip.

They will also offer transferable benefits and allow drivers to have a collective voice.

Uber’s Chief Legal Officer Tony West stated that Uber is proceeding to explore various legal and political choices to lay the groundwork for a statewide poll initiative in 2020. 

Uber also announced the addition of a driver earnings estimate tool, at the event today.

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