The latest tech news states that the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey’s Twitter account was hacked on Friday afternoon by a group called the Chuckle Squad. Keep reading to learn more about the hackers and what did they do.

What did the hackers do to the CEO’s account?

The hackers tweeted racial insults, anti-Semitic messages and at least one Holocaust denial from Dorsey’s account. Some of these offensive tweets were up for about 10 minutes. Although not long after the hack started, those tweets were already being deleted, and they are all gone by now.

Is the CEO’s account now safe and secure?

Roughly around an hour and a half after the hack, Twitter tweeted that the account is now safe and secure and that there is no indication that Twitter’s systems have been compromised.

Who is to blame?

Following that, Twitter pointed the blame at Dorsey’s cell carrier, stating that the phone number associated with the account was leaked due to security oversight by the mobile provider. This security oversight apparently allowed hackers to send tweets using text messages.

These tweets seem to have come via Cloudhopper, which is a company that Twitter earlier had acquired to help with its SMS service. 

Basically, if you text 404-04 from the phone number which is linked to your Twitter account, that text will be posted on Twitter. Cloudhopper will be given as the source in the tweet.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsy | iTMunch

Was only Twitter’s CEO’s account hacked?

Nowadays these hacks appear to be from the same group which had attacked several YouTube celebrities last week on Twitter. The list includes beauty vlogger James Charles, Shane Dawson, and comedian King Bach

At that time, many of the people who had been affected with these hacks had suggested that their accounts were violated following a SIM card swap handled by AT&T employees.

After the previous Chuckle Squad attacks, an AT&T spokesperson stated, that they are working with new law enforcement, having restored the customers’ service, and also discussed ways to secure their accounts.

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This is the second time Dorsey’s account has been hacked. In 2016, a security firm called OurMine hacked Jack to send out a message about “testing your security.” This tweet also had a video and a link to OurMine’s website.

Stay tuned with iTMunch to learn more such updates from the tech industry.