From simple personal assistants on phones to driverless cars, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a tremendous growth and will continue to surprise us with its limitless capabilities. More and more companies including some of the world’s biggest tech giants are taking interest in this technology and are working towards developing path-breaking products. Artificial intelligence and AI tools are expected to play a key role in business and marketing in the coming years.

AI will be the new way in which people will interact with their day-to-day gadgets, such as smartphones, car, fridge, microwave, heating systems, etc. The formula for building smart products is to make these gadgets comprehend the user’s current context and predict their intentions. Numerous AI tools are already being widely used in businesses today. In this article, we have listed some of the top tools, which are empowering businesses by making things simpler. Before diving into the top AI tools, here are a few predictions of how AI will affect businesses:

Predictions of AI’s role in businesses | iTMunch

Predictions of AI’s role in businesses:

  • “In the next five to 10 years, AI and specifically deep learning will enable robots to do some of the basic tedious and time-consuming tasks that we do each day,” said Matt Murphy, CMO of the AI-powered real estate CRM company
  • A new IBM research report claims that 73% of CEOs predict cognitive computing will play a “key role” in the future of their business. The report also said that more than 50% of CEOs plan to adopt the technology by 2019, and they expect a 15% return on their investment.
  • IBM recommends outlining a plan for adoption of these technologies, before ideating, incubating, and scaling your solutions.

Google Now

Google Now is an intelligent agent that launches the app, answers questions, personalizes search results, responds to voice commands and plays music. It is a part of the Android OS, and can even predict your needs before you realize them. It acts as a personal radio station which gives updates through Now cards, about everything be it sports, traffic, public transit, places, flights, translation, currency or weather and answers all your queries. The cards can be swiped away when they aren’t needed anymore and can be instantly brought back by the Undo option.


Digital Genius is a smart system fueled by natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence which carries a human-like conversation with people via SMS and calls. It is a platform that is comprised of several modules of artificial intelligence which first analyses any question and then takes it to the correct answer. The tool uses predictive automation and A.I. to strengthen your customer service operation. As for instance if someone plans to buy a new car, he would call on the number provided for the car in the TV commercial. The answers to your questions would not come from human instead that would be DigitalGenius which would walk you through the entire procedure and help you to even find a dealer.

SEE ALSO: AI and Machine Learning Trends to Expect In 2018 for Marketing


Pi is a social media manager and assistant developed by Postintelligence to improve your social content strategies. After you have connected your Twitter or Facebook accounts to the service, Pi analyzes profiles, comments and posts of your followers, and compiles the list of trending topics and discussions. Under the hood, the assistant uses NLP and sentiment analysis that translate social media data into direct advice about which topics, tone, emotions and visual content will better engage your audience. Pi will also suggest the precise time when a post should be published and analyzes post performance to collect new insights. Thanks to the powerful machine learning algorithms and seamless integration with social media metrics, Pi will become an indispensable component of your social media strategy.

This AI tool is a smart assistant app that is extensively used for handling meeting requests. As soon as an individual receives a meeting request, works back-and-forth to pin down a place and time and also responds and schedules all emails like a natural user. is totally addictive and the users can just update their status, as “busy” or “available”, this tool will then plan the meetings and events accordingly.


Intraspexion is regarded as an early warning system to prevent potential litigation. It is based on the concept of deep learning where algorithms are used to help alert corporate counsel to litigation risks much before they have to handle the lawsuit. Intraspexion runs in the background and scans your company’s internal emails daily and flags significant litigation risks for further review. With Intraspexion the counselor may proactively avoid costly litigation and conduct privileged investigations.

The idea of using artificial intelligence in business needs to be normalized and companies should focus towards increasing the efficiency of business processes and finding better ways to generate greater revenues. Today, there are several AI apps and tools, which can be carefully chosen to improve business processes.

For more trends and updates related to AI, keep reading iTMunch!