Ever since we entered the digital age the face of technology has been changing rapidly. There are barely a few days left for this year to end and we have already achieved a lot in the technological department. 2017 saw the rise in digital currencies, enhancements in user experience and big data and even invention of various smart machines. 2018 looks as bright as 2017 if not more and following are a list of technological trends according to the latest tech news, to expect in the year 2018.

  1. Industrial IoT

IoT is empowered by DL and happens to be the most widely adopted use case for edge computing. IoT plans to integrate a broader set of technologies in their products to offer better and enhaced solutions to their customers.

2. Deep Learning

Deep learning or machine learning are currently on the cusp of a breakthrough. They are widely adopted in various data centers such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft etc. DL is already being explored for reducing the amount of data propagated back to datacenters (IEEE Computer Society, 2017)

3. Assisted Reality and Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are changing that people interact and perceive the digital world (Panetta, 2017). Thanks to these technologies the user experience has completely evolved and become invisible and immersive. 2018 will see a huge competition between vendors, system software vendors and development platform vendors to deliver this model.

Assisted Reality and Virtual Reality | iTMunch

4. 5G

With the amount of data being produced on a daily basis, mobile providers will be forced to move faster than ever towards 5G (Newman, 2017). With users expecting hyper connectivity it is only a matter of time before we move forward on the path of 5G.

5. AI Transforms from Newbie to Mainstream

With the amount of activities and developments happening in AI, it is a possibility that AI will become a thing of the past in 2018. With everyone being aware and familiar with the use of AI, it may soon begin to feel like artificial intelligence is old news. Companies may even begin to make use of AI to connect and communicate with customers without even realizing or acknowledging AI (Newman, 2017).

SEE ALSO: 10 AI technologies to rule in 2018

6. Assisted Transportation

Although the promise of fully autonomous vehicles has slowed down due to various obstacles, it is possible that a lot of tasks associated with transportation would be made easier. Automated assistance such as video recognition, parking assistance or identifying sudden obstacles can be expected in the near future.

7. Cloud to the edge

Edge computing involves a computing topology that includes information processing and content collection and delivery placed closer to the sources of the information. While cloud is used to create the service oriented model and edge is computing is used for delivering style that allows execution of disconnected aspects of the cloud due to which it is a possibility that the two technologies could meet.

8. Blockchain

Researchers have predicted that while Bitcoin is the more popular cousin of Blockchain to blow away the stock market analysts, Blockchain may also find its place in the market in the year 2018 (Newman, 2017). There may be an increased expansion of companies delivering blockchain products.

For more such interesting AI news, blogs and much more, keep reading iTMunch!


  1. IEEE Computer Society, (2017) “Top 10 Technology Trends for 2018: IEEE Computer Society Predicts the Future of Tech” PRNewswire [online] available from: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/top-10-technology-trends-for-2018-ieee-computer-society-predicts-the-future-of-tech-300571274.html [accessed December 2017]
  2. Panetta K, (2017) “Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018” Gartner [online] available from: https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/gartner-top-10-strategic-technology-trends-for-2018/ [accessed December 2017]
  3. Newman D, (2017) “Top 10 Trends For Digital Transformation In 2018” Forbes [online] available from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2017/09/26/top-10-trends-for-digital-transformation-in-2018/#b3bfa31293ab [accessed December 2017]