So, you have finally written the perfect blog that is successfully attracting traffic, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything more than that. Blogs serve a very critical role as they are created with the aim to not just increase traffic to your website with the aim to expand your online marketing. They help attract new visitors to your site, engage them and encourage them to come back for more.

However, blogs are such a powerful tool that they not only have the potential to increase your traffic but also convert your readers into full-fledged paying customers. Words can inspire and they are even capable of developing a relationship of trust with your target audience. It is important to maintain a steady conversation with your readers through your blogs in order to generate revenue on your site. So what strategies should you use to get as many conversions as you want or need?

  1. Check your competition

This is the most basic step to writing a successful blog, Research! The research will help you understand what strategies your competitors are using for generating revenue for their blogs. You can check for posts that have higher conversion rates and are more popular than others. Make use of your analytics platform to formulate a strategy for your blog.

  1. Include the call to action

After analyzing your blog, it is important to increase the sheer number of calls to action on your blog. In order to increase your conversions, you need to make your CTA’s obvious and easy for your readers. Include strong and easy spotting CTA on your blog. Place your CTA’s strategically in your blogs to boost your conversions.

Strategies to increase conversions on your blog | iTMunch

  1. Don’t forget to add keywords

In today’s digital marketing world, content is almost useless without keywords. Rather than writing a blog and then adding keywords it is important to write a blog with keywords naturally integrated into it. Conduct analysis of which are the keywords used in your competitor’s blogs that are helping them rank better than you.

  1. Add follow-up post

Your readers will not try to find a way towards the products and services you are writing for. Sometimes, they need to be led forward in order to qualify them as a valid lead. Try to add a link to another post or a “next step” at the end of your article for navigating them more effectively. Make the link prominent and leave them with the feeling that they are not done exploring yet, and encourage them to select that link to help them continue what they started.

  1. Encourage your readers to share your blog on social media

Social media and SEO are not like coffee and milk but somehow they make an excellent match. You can download some cool plug-ins that allow your users to share your blog on social media. With the world, being on social media it is important to help your readers share your content with the world. This could help you reach your potential customers.

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  1. Make your blogs interactive

In order to engage your audience and to ensure that your readers are actually reaching where you wish for them to land, it is important to make your blog interactive. You can consider adding a quiz or feedback or comments section to make sure your visitors are actually going through your content.

  1. Make use of heat mapping software

Another really useful way to get incredible insights into your structure and design is to use heat mapping software. This software will also help you find where people are clicking, where the user engagement lie and what are they really doing on your site. After gathering all of this data, you can then make informed decisions about where you can add your CTA’s, how your user engagement is and how can you improve your blog.

  1. Restructure your blog

After conducting a thorough research about your problem areas it is important to implement optimal strategies even if it requires you to restructure your blog. After using the heat mapping software if you realize that your readers are losing interest after a particular paragraph, you could restructure your blog to increase reader engagement.

A “perfect” conversion strategy does not exist. With varying requirements and different businesses, your blog may actually need a strategy that requires you to tinker with new strategies. However, the above mentioned strategies could actually form a base for your online marketing strategy and help you boost your sales.

Keep reading iTMunch for the latest marketing news, blogs and updates.