Over the years, various trends have emerged and have had a huge impact on how marketing companies operate, collaborate, communicate and operate. As technology has become a huge part of our lives, it has shaped the market and the consumers too. So, what are the top tech trends that can influence marketing this year? The following marketing blog offers you with an in-depth understanding of the top five MarTech trends you should monitor to lead your business to success this year.

1. Artificial Intelligence

From voice-powered assistants such as Siri and Alexa to using robots as virtual nurses, Artificial Intelligence has something to offer for each industry. This year, marketers are expected to use AI to uncover new advertising channels, optimise targeting, analyse and manage paid-ad campaigns. This could also include improving website experience, AI-powered content creation, intelligent email content curation and much more (Karlson K, 2017).

Marketing Trends 2018 | iTMunch
2. Mobile and Proximity Search and marketing

Location and proximity marketing is often considered to be ideal for B2C companies. But, this won’t be the same anymore. All marketing companies are expected to serve up specific products, services, and messages that can be tailored to where the user is and what they are looking for. Localisation will continue to play an important role in 2018, even more, traditional websites!

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3. Chat Bots

This year, we will see a sharp rise in companies using chatbots as a part of their marketing strategy, which can help improve customer support and prove to be a valuable communication asset. According to a study conducted by Gartner, it is estimated that 85% of interactions will be with chatbots by 2020.

4. Geo-fencing

There is seldom a time when we go somewhere without our mobile phones. On an average, individuals trigger around 75 separate mobile sessions every day. This means that individuals engage with their mobile devices in a day across a lot of locations. Marketers are expected to use geo-fencing as a part of their strategy to collect information about their target audience as they enter, leave or stay in specific areas. Using a Geofence, marketers can get mobile notifications whenever a customer is active in a certain area.

5. Video Marketing

In the recent years, video content and video search have outpaced traditional search and all other channels. According to a report made by Recode, mobile video Ads are expected to grow nearly 49% to roughly $18 billion in 2018.

These are the top five marketing trends that you should watch out for in 2018 and plan your marketing strategy accordingly!

Keep reading iTMunch for more interesting blogs and latest news about marketing!


  1. Karlson K, 2017, “8 Ways Intelligent Marketers Use Artificial Intelligence” Content Marketing Institute [online] available from: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/08/marketers-use-artificial-intelligence/ [accessed January 2018]