All most, 7 million of Instagram’s 1 billion-plus consumers have downloaded its standalone IGTV app in the last 18 months since launch.

And presently, Instagram’s main app is eliminating the disturbing orange IGTV button from its home page in what seems like an admission of obscure results. 

What Is IGTV? 

IGTV started with a zealotish commitment to long-form vertical video despite the point that little high-quality content of this type was being produced. 

Landscape adjustment is suitable for longer clips that usually require building shots and fitting many people on screen, while vertical was more ideal for prompt selfie monologues.

Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom named IGTV in August 2018, stating that what he is most proud of is that Instagram took a stand and attempted a brand new thing that is honestly hard to pull off. 

The full-screen vertical video which is mobile-only. 

This does not endure anywhere else.

What Went Wrong? 

Instagram users do not require the separate IGTV app to see longer videos, as the IGTV experience is set in the main app and can be reached via in-feed teasers, a tab of the Explore page, promo stickers in Stories, and profile tabs.

Instagram IGTV Button | iTMunch

However, the truth that it was not an appealing enough end to warrant a home page button reveals IGTV hasn’t become a staple like prior Instagram launches involving video, Stories, expanded reality filters, or Close Friends.

One point yet missing is an accessible way for Instagram creators to make money straight from their IGTV videos. 

Users can’t obtain an ad-revenue share similar to YouTube or Facebook Watch. 

They, too, can’t get tips or sell particular content subscriptions like on Facebook, Twitch, or Patreon.

A Facebook company spokesperson said that as they have proceeded to work on making it simpler for people to build and discover IGTV content, they have found that most people see IGTV content via previews in Feed, the IGTV channel in Explore, creators’ profiles and the standalone app. 

There are only few clicking into the IGTV icon on the top right side of the home screen in the Instagram app.

He further said that they always strive to keep Instagram as easy as possible, so they are removing this icon based on these bits of knowledge and feedback from their community.

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