For over two decades, Google has been leading the way in technology innovation, creating products that have transformed how people work and interact with technology. One of the key drivers of this innovation has been the use of artificial intelligence (AI), and Google has made significant advancements in the field over the years. Now, the company is bringing the power of generative AI to its productivity suite, with a new set of AI-powered writing features in Docs and Gmail.

Introducing AI-Powered Writing Features to Trusted Testers

As the world’s most popular and secure cloud-native communication and collaboration suite, Google Workspace takes great care in introducing new features powered by AI. With thoughtful experimentation and many iterations driven by user feedback, Google ensures the right safeguards are in place to protect user privacy and data security. The company is introducing the first set of AI-powered writing features in Docs and Gmail to trusted testers, with the goal of helping users create, connect, and collaborate more efficiently than ever before.

Smart Suggest in Google Docs using Generative AI

One of the new features in Google Docs is Smart Suggest, which uses AI to suggest changes to a document in real-time as the user types. These suggestions can range from simple grammatical corrections to more complex ideas for improving the structure or clarity of the document. This feature will be especially helpful for users who are collaborating on a document, allowing them to work together in real-time to create the best possible content.

Google docs - smart suggest using generative AI


Smart Compose in Gmail using Generative AI

In Gmail, the new AI-powered writing features include Smart Compose for Subject Lines and Smart Compose for Business Communications. These features use AI to suggest subject lines and email content that are more professional and engaging, helping users communicate more effectively in the workplace. With these features, users will be able to write emails more quickly and efficiently while ensuring they convey the right tone and messaging.

Gmail - Smart compose using generative AI

The Power of Generative AI

At the heart of these new features is the power of generative AI. This technology enables AI systems to create new content that has not been explicitly programmed into them. In the case of Google’s new writing features, generative AI will help users create documents and emails that are more accurate, engaging, and personalized. This will be particularly helpful for users who are looking to create content quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality.

AI and Productivity

Google’s AI-powered features are part of a larger trend in which AI is playing an increasingly important role in productivity tools. By using AI to automate repetitive tasks, suggest improvements to content, and provide more personalized experiences, these tools can help users be more productive and efficient. As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, it’s likely that we’ll see even more AI-powered features added to productivity tools in the future.

Ensuring User Privacy and Data Security

As with any new technology, there are concerns about how AI-powered features will impact user privacy and data security. Google takes these concerns seriously, and the company has built safeguards against abuse and is committed to protecting the privacy of user data. This commitment to user privacy and data security will be crucial in building trust with users and ensuring the long-term success of Google’s AI-powered features.


Google’s new AI-powered writing features in Docs and Gmail are just the latest example of how AI is transforming productivity tools. By leveraging the power of generative AI, these features will help users create more accurate, engaging, and personalized content while saving time and improving efficiency. As with any new technology, there are concerns about user privacy and data security, but Google’s commitment to these issues should help ensure that users feel comfortable using these new features.

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