In 2020, Cisco Live went all digital for the first time in its 30-year run. The digital Cisco Live event was attended by more than 80,000 attendees from around the world and could be attended for free. Unfortunately, Cisco Live 2021 will also be held virtually, however, will provide the same level of value (probably more) for its attendees. You can expect this year’s Cisco Live event to be power packed with insightful keynotes, innovation talks, technical education training, demo sessions and much more. To find out more about dates, ticket pricing and what to expect from the event, keep reading.

Cisco Live 2021 Dates

Cisco Live 2021 will be a two-day event which can be streamed online from the comforts of your home on the following dates:

  • Americas: March 30, 2021 – March 31, 2021
  • Asia Pacific Japan & China (APJC): March 31, 2021 – April 1, 2021 
  • Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Russia (EMEAR): March 31, 2021 – April 1, 2021

Tickets for Cisco Live 2021

Ticket prices of Cisco Live 2019, which was held in San Diego Convention Center, were priced between $2000 to $3500 with different access levels. Cisco Live 2020 could be attended from anywhere (as it was conducted virtually) and that too, for free. There is no update on the ticket pricing for this year’s Cisco Live event yet, but you can expect that it can be for free, as it is being held online. Registration for attending the digital event is required. Registrations for the Cisco Live 2021 event have not opened yet. Here’s the registration link for the event that you can bookmark for your convenience.

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Cisco Live Event: What to Expect


The Cisco Live 2020 event, some great personalities delivered some incredibly inspiring talks. Few of the most inspiring talks were delivered by Chuck Robbins (Chairman and CEO, Cisco Systems), Gee Rittenhouse (General Manager and Senior Vice President, Security Business, Cisco) and Javed Khan (General Manager and Vice President, Webex). Moreover, Todd Nightingale (General Manager and Senior Vice President, Enterprise Networking and Cloud, Cisco), Liz Centoni (Senior Vice President and General Manager, IoT, Cisco), Jonathan Davidson, (General Manager and Vice President, Mass Scale Infrastructure, Cisco) and Alvin Barrios (Senior VP, Customer Experience, Americas, Cisco) also graced the occasion with their stimulating words.

The Cisco Live events equip its attendees with the skills and knowledge to play a crucial role in delivering tomorrow’s innovations. At this year’s cisco live conference, you can expect:

  • The most relevant training sessions and the best speakers
  • Live and on-demand sessions
  • Announcements of global innovations 
  • Access to exclusive training on essential skills 
  • A platform for endless networking with like-minded people

About Cisco: A Multinational Tech Conglomerate

Cisco Systems, Inc. is a pioneering company in technology that manufactures, develops and sells networking software, hardware, telecom equipment and other high-tech products and services. It is a US-based multinational technology conglomerate that’s headquartered in California. Cisco Systems was co-founded by Mr Leonard Bosack and Mr Sandy Lerner in 1984 and today, it generates a revenue of more than US$ 5,194 crores (as of 2019).

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