According to the latest startup news, a French health insurance startup named Alan launched its latest product called the Alan Map. The Alan Map will help its users locate doctors in their area from GP’s to dentists and from ophthalmologists to gynecologists.

In order to locate doctors near you, all you need to do is type your address and the type or name of the doctor you are looking for in your search bar. Following this, a map of the entire area will appear displaying the nearest doctors which will be represented by dots.

A Team of Doctors | iTMunch

After users click on the dots they will be able to learn more information about the doctors of choice. What makes this unique is that Alan Map not only lists the names and location but also displays the phone number, opening hours and average pricing for their users.

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This way, the users can have a better idea about the doctors in their area, helping them choose the one that best suits their requirements. On Alan Map, you can also find more than 245,000 health professionals.

It makes finding a doctor easier with a much better display helping users find exactly what they want. The main aim of Alan is to eventually add more data to its mapping product. Since Alan is primarily a health insurance setup, with the help of this map they company can also find out valuable information about how much users are paying when they visit a specific doctor.

The future plans of Alan include integrating with MonDocteur, a French startup that connects healthcare professionals and patients with the help of an online appointment scheduling service. If this plan becomes successful, users will be able to book an appointment by using Alan Map itself.

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