Trending in the latest ai technology news, the Dutch technology company confirmed that it is working on a suite of new AI. Along with, the company is also focusing on other domains of technology like IoT, clinical informatics, health management and analytics solutions. The aim of the technology about to release centres the point of using the AI-powered solution with a deep understanding of the healthcare providers to provide reliable solutions. This technology will also improve outcomes, enhance the patient experience, increase staff satisfaction and lower costs.

Since the time AI has picked up speed of its own, the benefits that it avails to various industries are many. Since AI-based solutions have great potential to improve patient outcomes and care efficiency, developing and deploying AI solutions for healthcare will definitely prove to be a huge advantage. It will accelerate the development of analytics solutions, and reduce development and total cost of AI solutions to be used in the medical industry. Read the blog further to understand how this AI-driven solution will empower research labs and prove to be a reliable source.

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Characteristics of the AI Solutions

The AI solution that Philips has showcased and is in the developmental stage offers a flexible mix of solutions. It helps to optimise operational and workflow efficiency as well as patient management. The solution has an easy-to-use and interactive dashboard and thus enables users to access real-time departmental performance data. This combination goes on to bridge the gap existing between data and decision making across the medical industry. Also, it will promote continuous improvement and support by dedicated advisors and services.

Another feature of the AI-driven solution is that it will also cover diagnosis and personalized treatment. This will permit a healthy living, home care, seamless care and will improve outcomes and patient & staff experience. Ozlem Fidanci, Philips CEO Middle East and Turkey said that they are connecting people, technology and data throughout the entire health continuum, with the aim to keeping populations healthy and supporting care professionals to provide the right care, in the right place and at the right time.

Effect of AI Solutions on the Healthcare Industry

Considering the current rate at which the healthcare industry is progressing, Philips AI solution will reinforce superior first-time-right diagnostics, enhanced decision-support through every step of the patient journey and greater imaging confidence. These AI solutions are designed to be secure regardless of the execution environment, with sophisticated identity and access management, integrated blockchain services, and data collection and management services built in. They can be deployed on a healthcare cloud infrastructure such as the Philips HealthSuite Digital Platform, or on-premise at a provider site.

SEE ALSO: AI Advancements to Expect in 2019

With companies like Philips being at the top of their game in the AI domain of technology, the future advances that the healthcare industry is going to experiences are not only going to be different but also extremely beneficial for the industry as a whole.

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