The machine learning era is here. As we enter the last leg of 2022, it is a good time to look back and ask: What are the hottest artificial trends so far in 2022? Will we see these trends in 2023?

Artificial intelligence has enjoyed a good run in the past decade, and this innovative technology has not failed to surprise us so far. Each year, new and interesting projects take shape driven by AI and its supplementary technologies. Today, AI has become an integral part of multiple industries including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and more. Besides, AI is at the core of digital transformation across different companies worldwide. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in driving the adoption of AI. The potential value of AI has seen impressive growth since 2020, and we predict it will maintain this upward trajectory. McKinsey’s “The state of AI in 2021” report shows that 57% of organizations have adopted AI in at least one business function [1]; up from 45% in 2020. 

More and more companies are turning to AI to gain a competitive edge. Besides, we are at this point where companies are now seeing value in AI. 

In this article, we present to you some of the hottest AI trends in 2022 so far. We hope you enjoy reading this blog. 

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AI trends in 2022 and beyond

1. Increase in AI, and machine learning adoption 

machine learning program on computer

As per research firm Gartner, the global artificial intelligence software market will be worth $62.5 billion in 2022; a 21% increase from 2021. These numbers are not surprising at all considering the growing investment in AI by companies to improve their performance. 

That being said, companies should plan a clear-cut strategy to implement AI. A lot of companies have a blurred idea about how they can integrate AI into their current workforce and processes. Businesses will have to address this challenge to ensure they are on the right track. 

This is one major reason there has been a considerable surge in the number of AI-machine learning initiatives. These initiatives are primarily designed to improve the current workflows and transform core business processes. 

2. Edge AI is gaining popularity

Edge AI is the combination of artificial intelligence and computing. Here, machine learning algorithms run directly on local devices such as laptops, smartphones, self-driven cars, and more. 

Instead of depending on cloud-based big data, edge AI predominantly leverages small data. In addition, the main system does not need to connect with other systems as it can process information in real-time. 

As per Research and Markets projections, the global Edge AI software will surpass $8 billion by the end of 2027 [3]. Besides, as Edge AI is at the heart of development for IoT systems, it has garnered considerable popularity in 2022. Will this artificial intelligence trend be relevant in 2023? The answer is yes. As the push to create smarter IoT systems increases, the demand for Edge AI will also grow. 

3. Explainable AI has arrived

Let’s say you are looking for running shoes on the internet. When you run a search on Google, have you noticed how you are greeted with recommendations based on your search?

Many people are perplexed when this happens. They have little idea about why the algorithm pushes a recommendation their way. This is understandable. Let’s see why that happens. 

The recommendations arise from a “black box”. It means that when you look for something on the internet, the most relevant results are presented to you. However, what happens between these two actions is unknown to you. 

Even investors have a hard time explaining why AI has made a particular decision. Thanks to Explainable AI, we now have some clarity. What is explainable AI and why is it one of the top AI trends in 2022?

Explainable AI is a term used to describe a suite of tools that aids in the comprehension and interpretation of predictions provided by an AI model. This enables us to identify potential flaws, comprehend why a model makes a particular choice, and enhance performance. 

The explainable AI market is touted to witness a six-fold growth between 2020 and 2030, reaching a market value of $21 billion. 

4. Zero-shot and few-shot learning

Typically, machine learning models were built using large datasets. The scenario has changed thanks to new alternatives such as few-shot (FSL) and zero-shot learning (ZSL). 

Let’s understand how few-shot and zero-shot learning work. Few-shot requires few training samples with supervised information. Whereas, zero-shot can classify and predict new classes of data it has never seen before. In addition, ZSL draws inspiration from a human’s ability to identify unknown classes by leveraging information from known classes. 

The similarity between few-shot and zero-shot learning influences the model’s decision-making. The goal here is to use limited data to train a model. 

5. ‘Citizen developers’ take center stage

 The democratization of AI has sped up and we are likely to see more of it in the upcoming years. That combined with the increasing demand for developers has set the stage for ‘citizen developers’.

 Who are ‘citizen developers? ‘Citizen developers’ are individuals who can design applications with no-code or low-code tools. They use their expertise to create IT solutions for the future. We expect this artificial intelligence trend to grow because of the plummeting number of skilled programmers in the coming years. 

6. Hyperspectral imaging and AI, what’s cooking?

AI researchers have done an exceptional job while exploring RGB imaging. Besides, deep learning models and RGB-imaging have solved an array of problems. Advancements in data processing power and hardware have increased the usage of machine learning models with complex data types. 

We predict that Hyperspectral Imaging will garner notable popularity among AI researchers in 2023. Contrary to RGB imaging, hyperspectral imaging offers images with over three channels. Hyperspectral imaging and AI seem to have found a groove with each other, making it an unmissable AI trend in 2022. 

7. AI in healthcare

healthcare professionals after a shift

The healthcare and medicine industry is gradually recognizing the benefits of AI. New infrastructure and technologies have played a pivotal role in improving the quality of medical services worldwide. Artificial intelligence has slowly dug its way into the healthcare ecosystem, opening up many opportunities. 

With AI, diagnosing patients has become faster than ever before. Besides, physicians can also provide personalized treatment for patients thanks to artificial intelligence. 

As per the World Health Organization (WHO), Europe would require around 18.2 million healthcare professionals [4]. However, based on the current supply, it is highly unlikely to see an influx of 18 million healthcare professionals by the end of the decade. AI is tipped to tackle this problem. According to McKinsey, automation will free around 15% of current work hours by 2030 [5]

8. AI ethics

Did you follow the recent news about a Google engineer who was fired because he contended with the company’s AI technology? Apart from what Blake Lemoine claimed, there are justifiable reasons the growing influence of AI across different aspects of our lives has raised alarm bells. Vigilant world citizens and authorities are concerned that at some stage in the future, “general AI” will emerge. 

But what do we mean by general artificial intelligence? It means that an artificial intelligence system can learn intellectual tasks that humans can perform. 

Therefore, it becomes very important to implement AI ethics for AI systems. With timely human intervention and guidelines, we can ensure things do not go out of hand. The urgency for regulations of AI systems is taking shape to tackle the lingering problems linked with AI. 

A win-win situation for all of us would be to use AI to improve human intelligence rather than replace it altogether. 

Final thoughts

A young girl shaking hands with an AI robot

As scary as it sounds AI will only become stronger. That being said, we should not forget the current AI trends that are likely to lay the foundations of a new era of AI. 

In the next few years, we will see many organizations make a move toward scaling AI. Organizations must understand what they can achieve with AI within the purview of the existing guidelines. In addition, developers need to find innovative solutions to ensure AI does not replace human intelligence in the future. 

We hope you enjoyed reading about these artificial intelligence trends in 2022. Did we miss any AI trends? Do you think the incursion of AI into our lives is a boon? Share your thoughts with us and let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you. 

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Feature Image Source: Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Image 1 Source: Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Image 2 Source: Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

Image 3 Source: Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash


[1] [5] (2021) “The state of AI in 2021” McKinsey [online] Available from: [accessed August 2022]

[2] R. Meghan (2021) “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Software Market to Reach $62 Billion in 2022” Gartner [online] Available from: [accessed August 2022]

[3] (2021) “Global Edge AI Software Market, By Component, By Data Source, By Application, By End-Users, Estimation & Forecast, 2017 – 2027” Research and Markets [online] Available from:

[4] (2020) “Global strategy on human resources for health:Workforce 2030” World Health Organization [online] Available from: