“It’s not that we use technology, we live technology.” These words by Godfrey Reggio tell us that there is no hiding from technology in today’s digital world. Advancements in technology have laid the foundation for a brighter future wherein automation will play an important role. Futurists or tech entrepreneurs from around the world are of the opinion that automation is set to transform human lives and even society to some extent in the near future. 

On the other hand, there is a cohort of journalists, politicians, and intellectuals who believe that an automated future will gradually take away the essence of human involvement in many areas. As of now, the dillydally between these two sides is primarily based on extreme hypotheses. Similar arguments were made during the pre-internet era.

While these discussions continue, it is worth taking a look at a few scenarios that may become reality in the hyper automated world. As of now, artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this transformation and is tipped to be the main driving force behind automation in the next few years. 

Before we begin, let’s take a look at what hyper-automation means.

SEE ALSO: Marketing Automation Optimization and Strategies

What is hyperautomation?

In simple terms, hyper-automation is the perfect blend between robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent process automation (IPA). 

RPA is primarily focused on minimizing mundane tasks and enabling employees to concentrate on other important tasks. Although RPA is making a significant impact on how companies work, the human touch and rationale are evidently missing. 

When you throw machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), natural processing language, and deep learning into the mix, the end result is hyper-automation. 

Now that we have a basic understanding of what hyper-automation is, let’s take a look at its good, bad, and ugly sides. 

Hyperautomation – the Good

Without a shadow of a doubt, automation brings with it a garland of benefits. In addition, as AI continues to mature every single day, its benefits will continue to increase.

Here are some of the most notable benefits of hyper-automation. 

  • Higher productivity

Although humans are the creators and inventors of new technologies and machines, there is no match between the work rate levels. A ‘well-oiled machine’ is programmed to perform certain tasks with greater efficiency and precision. 

  • Better quality jobs

Automation in the manufacturing sector is not new. It has played a key role in improving the quality of jobs since the 1800s. In the current Information Age, automation has enabled algorithms and machines to take over certain tasks such as forecasting and crunching. 

  • Robots vs job – the dilemma

An AI-powered robot

Although robots are replacing humans in many areas, they are not necessarily taking jobs away from them. For instance, when a job function is automated, it paves the way for new jobs that humans can perform. 

A simple example of this is the arrival of ATMs.While ATMs have replaced tellers, the banking industry did not show a dip in the number of people who were employed. 

There are plenty of other benefits of hyper-automation. However, everything is not rosy.

Hyperautomation – the Bad

When technology is misused, it can wreak havoc, and this holds true even for automation. 

When you automate something that is not driven by a predefined process, it is counterproductive. 

You should be able to determine whether automation is actually taking you closer to your long-term goals. There are so many manufacturing units that deploy automated machines and robots but have very little idea of whether they are actually benefiting from automation. 

Hence, it is important to have a process in place to ensure that automation works optimally. Turning to automation when you are not ready can turn into a complete disaster. 

Hyperautomation – the Ugly

When we are talking about automation, neglect and ignorance can single-handedly make matters worse. While the misuse of hyper-automation is counterproductive, neglect will lead to further negative consequences. 

Automation is inevitable after a certain stage, largely due to the economic advantages in the long run. 

Let’s say a business deploys an automated technology to improve productivity but does not achieve the desired results. At this point, the business is at the center of ‘the Bad’ side of automation, and most likely will stop chasing automation. 

However, rival business players who are stuck in a similar scenario and are willing to find a way around this problem are likely to move ahead of the curve eventually. This is why neglecting the benefits of hyper-automation can be detrimental to the business. 

Hence, ignoring the world of opportunities that open up with automation is the ugly side. 

Final words

A human hand and a robotic hand coming together

Hyperautomation is real and it is here to stay for a very long time. This is why, even if you are not entirely convinced that it is the way forward, there is a good reason to start exploring it. 

Traditional business models are gradually being replaced by modern, smart, and intelligent business models driven by automation. Today, companies who have figured out how to leverage automation to their advantage are moving ahead of their competitors and retaining an edge over them. 

Marketing automation software solutions are also proving to be a complete game-changer in today’s business environment. The technology is allowing businesses to maximize their efficiency levels and also optimize their processes. 

As 2021 enters its last leg, it is safe to say that companies that are using automation are emerging as clear winners this year. Although hyper-automation has not set its foot across a lot of industries so far, it is just a matter of time. 

As hyper-automation projects have time and again boosted productivity and minimized waste, the adoption will move in an upward trajectory. Technological advances will continue to transform human lives for years to come. You can also read more about how automation is shaping digital transformation and why there is no running away from it. 

SEE ALSO: Automation Surge Set to Conquer the Tech World in 2019

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