Telecom giant Telstra and AWS have signed a strategic agreement for the purpose of collaborating on 5G and multi-access edge computing offerings. This agreement has been signed by both the parties to help businesses accelerate cloud adoption. The framework agreement between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Telstra has been signed with the intent of developing differentiated ‘multi-access edge computing solutions’. The edge computing solution is supposed to bring cloud services much closer to Aussie customers and their devices while delivering better speed and flexibility.

More on the Telstra-AWS partnership

Along with AWS and under the new Strategic Collaboration Agreement, telecom giant Telstra says that it will launch a new Centre of Excellence. This Centre of Excellence will be set up to help mid-market, enterprises as well as and government organisations in their digital transformation by leveraging the latest in cloud technology. 

This Centre of Excellence will also include Telstra Purple (a team of managed services and consulting professionals) along with AWS Professional Services (a team of business experts that will work with the telco to deliver product and customer innovations and also participate in go-to-market activities).

The Australian telco says it intends on exploring the wide range of edge computing solutions offered by AWS that give businesses the ability to deploy applications closer to the end customer. This will increase its performance and resilience and help in delivering a faster and a more seamless experience to customers.

In order to bring a differentiated capability for their customers, Telstra and AWS will plan how to integrate Telstra’s multi-access network with the edge computing solutions of AWS. Integrating the best of the two companies will enable application traffic from 5G devices to reach the cloud running in edge compute locations without having to leave the network of Telstra.

Bringing the cloud closer to the end consumer via ‘edges’ prevents latency that results from multiple hops to the internet. This also means that customers in industries that need low-latency and resilience, like manufacturing, healthcare, media and entertainment and gaming, can take complete advantage of it.

SEE ALSO: AWS launched its new disaster recovery program in the ANZ region

Telstra & AWS execs on the strategic framework

David Burns, Enterprise Group Executive of Tesltra says they want to help Australian organizations take advantage of ultra-fast response time and enhanced resilience that comes from integrating edge computing technology of AWS at the edge of the multi-access network of Telstra.

By bringing their customers along with their mission critical applications closer through the telco’s 5G network collaboration, Australian organizations and businesses will be able to transform how they operate and serve their customers, regardless of work location.

Adam Beavis, Managing Director ANZ of Amazon Web Services says ths collaboration will enable highly-responsive experiences on the new 5G network. With the edge computing solutions of AWS, Teslta will be able to build and deploy apps even closer to the end consumer and deliver a seamless customer experience in industries like industrial robotic and drone automation, Machine Learning-assisted healthcare, connected vehicles and immersive entertainment.

SEE ALSO: Telecom giant Telstra hires DXC talent to accelerate South Asian expansion

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