Storm Ventures, a presently 19-year-old, Sand Hill Road venture firm in Menlo Park, Ca., has settled on $130.4 million for its sixth funding, reveals a new SEC filing. 

The outfit started its fundraising last year, according to a previous filing.

It had concluded its former capital with $180 million in 2015.

The Story of Storm Ventures 

Storm defines itself in many ways, including its particular focus on seed and Series A stage business startups, including mobile, SaaS, and cloud foundation companies.

The associates also incline to help far-flung startups expand their footprint throughout the world. 

Tae Hea Nahm, for instance, a founding managing director of the firm, was born in Seoul.

 And he has stated that in the past, he had spent a significant amount of time in South Korea to visit startup board meetings, as well as to visit with Samsung and others of Storm’s LPs, which involves Korea Telecom.

Ryan Floyd, another of the firm’s co-founders, until recently wrote about his “hunt” for European founders, partially because they are more focused on income from the outset than some of their U.S. peers.

More About Storm’s Funding History

One of Storm’s most popular bets at the time include Workato, a fast-growing, Cupertino, Ca.-based work automation program, which two weeks ago declared $70 million in Series C funding led by Redpoint.

Storm, which was included in the company’s Series A and B rounds, was also participating in the financing.

Another risk is Honeycomb, a three-year-old, San Francisco-based startup whose product ensures developer teams that they can view production more precisely so they can resolve problems more swiftly.

Storm ventures seals yet another funding with $130 million | iTMunch

The company allocated $11.4 million in Series A funding directed by Scale Venture Partners in September; Storm, which had joined in the company’s seed round, also associated, among others.

These fundings do not regularly go as quickly as they might appear in funding announcements. 

Storm is additionally an early investor in the nine-year-old, sales-software company Pipedrive, for instance.

Furthermore, according to a statement in the WSJ from last spring, Storm took the extreme step of prosecuting the company when it raised its Series C round of funding the previous year. 

The purpose, according to Storm: Pipedrive, gave the firm fewer shares than it was qualified to own based on its $800,000 convertible note seed investment, initiated in 2013.

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