This month, new features for musicians and podcasters were unveiled at Spotify’s Stream On function, including a new interface with discovery feeds inspired by TikTok and an artificial intelligence (AI) DJ. Nonetheless, the app may undergo more revisions. The company has confirmed that it is currently testing an update to its user information, which will see the introduction of a card-style layout that will allow users to create a more social status on the platform while also providing quick access to Spotify’s special features, such as recommender systems, Infused playlists, co-listening interactions, and more.

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When Did The Update Roll Out?

Chris Messina initially noticed the modifications and tweeted screen images from the trials. He mentioned how the new style encouraged visitors to hit a button to “learn more features” and see more profile cards.

Yet, several Spotify customers have claimed to have received the new profiles for some time now. Nevertheless, this is only the case since the functionality has been tested in many different markets. Not all users have access to these profiles.

Spotify did not guarantee it would roll out the update immediately or to all users. Before releasing anything worldwide, the corporation often puts its latest ideas via public trials and adjusts depending on user reactions. They may be modified or, in extreme situations, discarded outright. Given how nicely it integrates with the latest Spotify style, which prioritizes discovery, its removal seems less probable.

A corporate representative said, “We typically undertake a bunch of tests” when questioned about new profiles. The results of some of these experiments directly shape the way we provide for our users, while others teach us valuable lessons on their own. There is nothing further we can say now,” they said.

The Most Notable Changes To User Profiles

A new header at the top of the screen reminiscent of a social network is one of the most noticeable modifications to the user profiles in this update. At the moment, Spotify profiles provide little in the way of customization. The user’s name, number of followers, and number of people they follow appear above their playlists and frequently played artists. In contrast, the new profiles offer more information about the user beyond only their follower and following numbers, buttons to follow them and change their profiles, and the Spotify plan they’re on and how long they’ve been a member.

There’s a cool option that allows you to put a “vibe” in front of your name to make your profile stand out.

More Changes To Spotify Profiles

You can still access your playlists and artists in the new profiles, but they are presented as cards and have additional interactive elements next to them. You can now build a new playlist directly from your profile and share existing playlists with the press of a button. If you want to start following an artist on Spotify, you may do so right next to their name instead of going to their profile. This feature might be helpful if you were browsing other people’s profiles to find new music to listen to.

Find live events, “like” more songs to make better suggestions, make Blends with friends, listen to Spotify’s new audiobooks, and more are just some of the additional capabilities highlighted for users in the “Explore more features” area of the updated profiles.

In addition to playlists and previously played artists, the profiles also have a notification reading “See more cards,” suggesting that more content is coming. But, Messina informed us that customers would receive a “there’s nothing to view here yet” warning when they tap on this feature, with the addition that Spotify is “actively producing more material for you – coming soon.”

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Feature Image Source: Spotify