Trending in the latest AI news is Trustwave’s latest intelligence tool called the Social Mapper. This tool developed by researchers at the company uses facial recognition to track audience across social media. Keep reading to know how this tools works, is it going to be available or public and other such details.

The advent of Social Mapper

It often takes time to find a person’s presence online presence across different types of social media sites. Not only is this process tedious, but also it takes a lot of time. This is when the researchers at Trustwave decided to develop an automated tool aka Social Mapper. This tool was built with a goal of tracking thousands of individuals on social media sites.

SocialMapper targets users on social media by facial recognition | iTMunch
How does Social Mapper work

This tool takes an automated approach to search popular social media sites for names and pictures of individuals to accurately detect and group a person’s presence. Once it has the necessary details, it creates a report that a human operator can quickly review.

It has three main stages. In the first stage, it will create a list of targets based on the input given to it. This target consists of the name and picture of that person. The second stage consists of Social Mapper searching the targets online. It pulls down 10 to 20 search results with the target name and profile pictures and starts performing facial recognition to find a match. Once all the social media sites have been checked, the tool starts generating reports.

Which social media platforms does Social Mapper support?

Social Mapper can be used to extract individuals’ details from various social media websites. The following are a few of such websites supported by this AI tool:

• LinkedIn
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Google+
• Instagram
• VKontakte
• Weibo
• Douban

Who will use Social Mapper?

At its initial stages, this tool will be used by penetration testers and red teamers. These are the ones who will use this tool to expand their target lists, aiding them in social media phishing scenarios. This will ensure that the testers are able to make efficient use of their time.

What can Social Mapper be used for?

Trustwave mentioned in their blog post that the uses of this tool are only limited up to your imagination. Some of the common uses of this tool are mentioned below:

  • To create fake social media profiles. These profiles will be used to ‘friend’ the targets. After that, send them links to credential capturing landing pages or downloadable malware.
  • To trick users into disclosing their emails and phone numbers. This can be done with vouchers and offers to make the pivot into phishing, vishing or smishing.

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About Trustwave

Trustwave is known to develop solutions that can help businesses with cybercrime, protect data and reduce security risk. And its latest tool, Social Mapper, is one such way that can help transform businesses. This software is licensed as free software and is available at Github.
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