It’s reported that in 2020, 59% of the world’s population was active on social networks, and without a doubt, Facebook is leading. Mark Zuckerberg has led Facebook through several iterations over the last 17 years, from “FaceMash” to the Metaverse. The site has consistently ranked among the most popular social networking sites worldwide.

Facebook’s worldwide reach is reflected in the fact that it now has 2.91 billion monthly active users, a growth of 6% year over year as of September 2021. Ad spending on Facebook has quadrupled in the last 18 months, reflecting the platform’s continued importance and resilience despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

Due to this, Facebook ads should be a component of your social media marketing plan if they currently aren’t. Facebook advertisements may help you target the appropriate people online and generate cash for your company since the platform continues to attract a sizable user base for socialising, news consumption, and leisure activity.

Here are some crucial Facebook advertising statistics you should consider if you are considering to invest in this channel.

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Top Facebook ad statistics

To learn more about Facebook’s popularity and reach, check out these general statistics reported about the platform over the years.

  • Facebook attracts around 3 per cent of all internet users. Facebook is the third most-visited website after Google and YouTube. As a result, it’s safe to assume that Facebook is where the majority of individuals who spend time online spend it (Hootsuite, 2020).
  • In the United States, Facebook is the third most-downloaded smartphone app. Facebook is still the third most downloaded app in the United States after TikTok and YouTube. Facebook Messenger is the sixth most downloaded software in the United States. If you’re a marketer, it’s important to remember that many Facebook users will be accessing the site and seeing your advertising from a mobile device (App Annie, 2021 Q2).
  • The number of people who use Facebook daily is 1.93 million. While some certainly never use Facebook, a sizable fraction of people worldwide does (Facebook, 2021 Q3).

Facebook consumption statistics

Do you want to reach millions of people by just advertising on one platform? Facebook’s your best bet according to these facebook advertising statistics on consumption.

  • 69% of adult Americans use Facebook. Despite Facebook’s stagnant growth over the last five years, it stayed as one of the most popular social networks in the United States (only second to YouTube). Despite public scandals and a more crowded social media industry, Facebook has maintained its dominant position in the United States (Pew Research Center, 2021).
  • 88% of Facebook users access the platform through mobile devices. Your best chance for efficiently reaching the typical Facebook user is to optimise your Facebook advertisements for mobile view in addition to desktop view or to launch mobile-only ads. An emphasis on mobile advertising can improve your Facebook marketing and increase the likelihood that your advertisements will reach your intended audience (Hootsuite).
  • Over 85 per cent of daily active Facebook users are outside of the United States and Canada. This figure demonstrates the increasing worldwide significance of Facebook and the ability it provides marketers to access new global audiences (Fast Company, 2021).
  • Facebook users are 1.5 times more likely to view mobile videos. As people depend on mobile platforms for information and entertainment, mobile is a primary point of interaction for Facebook users. This figure demonstrates marketers’ need to adopt a mobile-first strategy and invest in creative assets such as videos and high-resolution photos (Facebook, 2017).

Numbers from Facebook’s userbase’s demographics

  • Almost half of all American teenagers (42%) are active Facebook users. Even though Facebook’s worldwide policy prohibits marketers from specifically targeting users under the age of 18, a sizable portion of American teenagers continues to utilise the platform. While you may not be able to target teenagers specifically, you should still consider how they could encounter and engage with your Facebook advertisements (Pipersandler, 2020).
  • Facebook has 56.8% male users and just 43.2% female users. While Facebook only discloses the gender of male and female users now, the number of male-identifying users far outnumbers the number of female-identifying users. (Statista, 2022).
  • India has more Facebook users than any other country, with more than 320 million. While Facebook has always been popular in the United States, this figure demonstrates the social network’s growing influence worldwide. Leverage Facebook’s advertising potential to expand your business’s reach to untapped audiences in different parts of the globe (Statista, 2021).

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Facebook advertising analytics and statistics

  • In Q3 2021, Facebook made $28.2 billion through ads. Despite the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Facebook ad income will remain robust in 2021. In other words, Facebook ads will be here to stay (Statista, 2021).
  • Around 27% of Facebook advertising has a primary goal of conversions. Conversions are the bread and butter of Facebook advertising campaigns since they generate the most money for companies. While 26.94% of advertisements are created with conversion in mind, 24.19% seek post engagement, and 22.64% prioritise clicks on links. While these goals can help you achieve measurable success with your campaign, remember the other stages of the sales funnel that might be influenced by your efforts, such as brand recognition and event reactions (Socialinsider, 2020).
  • The average cost per thousand impressions on Facebook is $16.12 across all sectors. In December 2021, the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for ads in any sector will be $16.12. However, this number changes depending on the goal of the campaign (Revealbot, 2021).
  • Generally speaking, the CPC is around $0.43. While CPM prices have changed over the last several years, CPC rates have been constant (Socialinsider, 2020).
  • Facebook advertisements typically have a CTR (click-through rate) of 0.90% across all markets. However, retail, beauty, fashion, and fitness attract substantial CTRs, whereas the legal and employment training sectors attract very modest interest levels. This is because advertisements in the latter sectors often contain eye-catching models and high-quality photographs. The takeaway here is that advertisers across all sectors would do well to prioritise the quality of the pictures they use (WordStream, 2021).

Most important facebook advertising statistics and trends

4 significant Facebook trends to look out for in the coming year

We look at the major developments that we anticipate will affect the future of advertising through these top Facebook advertising trends.

1. Video advertising will continue to be quite popular

There has been a meteoric incline in the usage of video advertisements across a broad spectrum of industries thanks to their prevalence on social media.

This is not unexpected, given that Facebook video advertising allows businesses to convey engaging tales about their brands and include visually appealing images of their wares.

And Facebook has put a lot of resources into its video service. Facebook Reels are now accessible to users in 150 countries, and the social media platform is rapidly becoming second only to video powerhouse YouTube in terms of live content consumption (Source: Hootsuite).

Facebook’s video environment is expected to grow more competitive as more and more firms acquire access to creative capabilities that allow for the publication of high-quality video advertising.

2. Short-form video will be dominate

Vine introduced the world to short-form video, TikTok made it mainstream, and now that content format is sweeping over various social media sites, including Facebook. In addition, short-form videos have replaced more traditional forms of content in many social feeds, and so this trend is expected to accelerate in the next year.

Short-form video consumption on Facebook has surpassed that of TikTok in the United States (Source: Hootsuite). The fast adoption of short-form content throughout many social platforms is reflected in this result, which may come as a surprise.

3. Creative content like TikTok will be more prevalent

TikTok has become a sensation online. With its massive (and rising) user base, the site has emerged as a pioneer in developing novel approaches to social media and content creation.

Direct-to-camera videos in the manner of social media influencers are immensely popular on TikTok and have now spread to other social media sites. Accepting the TikTok hegemony is necessary if they want to stay within the pack.

The same holds for viral music tracks, user trends, and hashtag challenges. Facebook marketers must be abreast of emerging trends since many of the world’s hottest movements have recently begun on TikTok before moving to other social media sites.

Most important facebook advertising statistics and trends

4. Shoppable adverts will be widely used

Over time, Facebook has continuously improved its social shopping service, further blurring the distinctions between online commerce and social networking.

During the first few months of 2020, Facebook introduced Facebook Shops, a feature that lets retailers set up virtual stores inside the platform’s mobile applications for Instagram and Facebook.

New social selling options have been developed and added to the platform ever since. Brands can now use Facebook’s new Advantage+ Shopping advertisements to try out different versions of their ads’ creative and boost conversions with completely automated campaigns, all thanks to Facebook’s recent rollout of these ads.

In 2023, it will be crucial for e-commerce and direct-to-consumer retailers to have an effective and optimised Facebook shopping presence.

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Statistics are a great method to determine where your focus should go. As a marketer, keeping up with the latest data and trends in Facebook advertisements is important so you could make the most of your money. While user preferences change over time, the following Facebook ad data will help you better understand the behaviours and occurrences here to stay.

Continue reading iTMunch for the latest news and articles related to Facebook advertising. Learn more about our Meta advertising.

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