Social media has emerged as one of the most powerful marketing channels for businesses in the past decade. What started off as a medium to interact with friends, family, and acquaintances, the social media world has evolved rapidly. Today, companies run advertising campaigns on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and alike to increase their presence and sales. 

However, one question continues to linger in the minds of many business owners – Does advertising on Facebook work? Is it profitable to run ads on Facebook for a long period of time? How much return on investment should one expect?

These are some reasonable questions one should ask to understand whether advertising on Facebook works or not. In short, the answer is Yes. Meta advertising is effective and the following numbers speak for themselves. 

  • At present, Facebook Stories are watched by more than 300 million daily active users [1]. 
  • On average, Facebook mobile users spend around 57 minutes on the application each day [2]. 
  • Facebook Mobile advertisements led to a whopping 36 billion business calls to U.S. businesses in 2019 [3].

These numbers provide a clear picture of the current state of advertising on Facebook. It is safe to assume that Facebook is one of the best social media platforms to run ads and boost brand awareness. 

SEE ALSO: How the Facebook ad algorithm & ad-delivery system skews outcomes

Why Is Advertising on Facebook Effective?

Man showing a Facebook icon

Meta advertising is a powerful weapon in the armory of social media and digital marketers. It is an exciting, alluring, and eye-catching marketing tool that certainly should not be overlooked. 

There are numerous reasons why Facebook holds such an immense stature in the social media marketing industry. Facebook has around 1.5 billion users registered on its platform from around the world [4]. To put that in perspective, that is around 1/5th of the entire population of our planet. This number is probably the biggest factor that makes Facebook what it is today. The company has no other social media network following its trails in terms of market penetration. 

What’s even more impressive is that Facebook’s user base is still growing. This means that advertisers have larger audiences to target based on personal interests, life events, demographics, purchasing habits, and more. 

Another reason why advertising on Facebook works is its ability to evolve with the rapidly changing social media consumption landscape. Besides, the number of Facebook mobile users has witnessed a steady increase over the past few years. 

There are plenty of reasons why Facebook should be a key component of digital and social media marketing. Besides, with Whatsapp and Instagram coming under Facebook’s umbrella of services, no other social network is expected to overthrow Facebook’s dominance. 

Are Facebook Ads Worth the Money?

Hand holding cash on a pink wall background

Advertisers who run ads on Facebook have to take into account numerous factors while launching their campaigns. Some of these factors include ad creativity, potential reach, and more. 

Out of the different social media platforms, Facebook is one of the most cost-effective advertising platforms. However, marketers need to figure out which ad format will work best for their brand and most importantly, generate the expected return on investment (ROI). 

If you want to learn more about the different ad formats on Facebook, you can go through our page on Meta advertising service

On average, the cost-per-click of a Facebook ad is around $1.72 – significantly low considering the impact of Facebook advertising. Facebook ads also offer a better return on investment as far as cost-per-action is concerned. 

There is no doubt that it costs much higher than it used to before to run ads on Facebook, the overall costs across many parameters remain low. 

Is Facebook Still Relevant?

It is quite bizarre to think that the world’s largest social network is nearing its end. While a lot of experts predicted that Facebook will soon fade away, the reality is completely different. 

Two researchers from Princeton University made a very bold prediction that Facebook will die by 2017 based on Google Trends data. Facebook has grown from strength to strength over the past few years, thwarting any predictions linked with its downfall. 

Although it is true that the adoption of Facebook in some parts of the world has gone down, it does not translate into Facebook’s dip. With so many people across the world already on the platform, market saturation was on the cards. Other social networks have also gained considerable popularity over the past couple of years. However, in comparison to Facebook, their market penetration remains bleak. 

The growth rate in terms of new users has taken a hit. However, even a minuscule amount of growth is growth at the end of the day for a company that had reached saturation in terms of customer acquisition. 

Does advertising on Facebook work? Yes!

If you are still wondering if advertising on Facebook works, the answer to your question is Yes. Facebook advertising has emerged as a blessing for many business owners who are looking for more reach, create brand awareness, and establish a solid presence. 

Very often, Facebook advertising is the missing link between a good business and its audience. Since Facebook is also more cost-efficient in comparison to other social networks, it will continue to lead the pack in the social media marketing space.  

Are you looking to take your Facebook advertising to the next level? You should get in touch with the best Facebook advertising agency. All you need to do is fix a budget, create an idea, and let the ads do the rest. 

SEE ALSO: Facebook stock price falls after over 6-hour global outage

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[1] [2] [3] Baker.I (2021) “30 Essential Facebook Statistics You Need To Know In 2021” SocialShepherd [online] Available from: [accessed December 2021]

[4] Shewan. D (2020) “Does Facebook Advertising Work? [DATA]” WordStream [online] Available from: [accessed December 2021]