Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin just declared that Google CEO Sundar Pichai would be succeeding Page as the CEO of parent company Alphabet.

Also, Brin is moving down from his position as Alphabet’s president.

An Introduction To Alphabet 

Alphabet first appeared into presence in 2015 as “a compilation of companies” that classifies Google from “other bets” that are not a part of its core businesses.

For example, Waymo (self-driving cars), Verily (life sciences), Calico (biotech R&D), Sidewalk Labs (urban innovation), and Loon (rural internet access via balloon).

At the time, Page moved from the Google CEO position to Alphabet CEO, with Pichai moving in to manage the search giant. 

However, Page and Brin addressed today that Alphabet and Google no longer require two CEOs and a President. 

Pichai Takes Over 

Moving forward, Sundar will be the CEO of both Google and Alphabet.

Pichai has been Google’s known face for quite some time now, but this progress cements his leadership of the bigger company while moving Page and Brin out of the spotlight.

Pichai told in a statement that he is thrilled about Alphabet and its extended-term focus on taking big challenges through technology.

He is looking forward to proceeding to work with Larry and Sergey in their new roles. 

He further said that thanks to them, they have a timeless purpose, existing values, and a history of collaboration and exploration. 

Google Alphabet | iTMunch

It is a firm foundation on which they will proceed to build.

Page and Brin addressed Pichai that he brings obedience and deep emotion for technology to their users, associates, and our employees every day. 

He has served nearly with us for 15 years, through the development of Alphabet, as CEO of Google, plus a member of the Alphabet Board of Directors. 

He shares their faith in the value of the Alphabet structure, and the experience it provides to tackle great difficulties through technology. 

There is no one that they would have relied on more since the Alphabet was established, and no better person to manage Google and Alphabet into the future.

And preferably than expressing this as a departure, the pair implied that they have never been people to hold on to management positions when they think there is a better way to manage the company.

Moreover that they remain strongly committed to Google and Alphabet for the long term, and will remain actively associated as Board members, shareholders, and co-founders.

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