Consumers in every market are continuously bombarded with messages, emails, and advertisements from many firms vying for their attention. So, how can your company stand out and stay top-of-mind? Drip marketing is one method.

Drip marketing allows marketers to stay in touch with current and prospective consumers by reminding them of available products, services, and special offers. But what exactly is drip marketing, and how can it help your business? 

This blog will cover drip email marketing campaigns, why they are successful, and how you can utilize them to convert a disengaged user into a buyer.

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What Are Drip Campaigns?

Drip marketing involves sending emails to contacts during certain intervals or in response to specific user activities. A drip campaign aims to provide timely, relevant, and tailored material to your contacts.

Cart abandonment emails are one of the most typical forms of drip marketing. When a customer adds a product to their shopping cart but does not complete the transaction, drip marketing enables you to send them a customized email highlighting that product. To secure the transaction, you propose complementary goods or offer a unique discount.

80% of marketers noticed an increase in lead generation & 77% had seen an improvement in conversions after employing drip tactics.

Drip campaigns are a profitable marketing tactic in part because they are automated. This implies that after the trigger events & templates have been put out, drip campaigns run themselves.

The Essential Components Of Drip Marketing

Now that you understand a drip marketing strategy, it’s time to discuss its components.

1. Triggers

Triggers are the events that initiate your drip marketing campaign by either adding a new lead to your network or moving an existing lead further down the funnel. Depending on the specifics of your organization, the kind and quantity of triggers may differ. Here are a few of the most typical triggers for drip marketing:

  • a new subscriber to a blog;
  • development of a lead;
  • a prospective buyer abandoning their buying basket and exiting the site;
  • an individual registering for an account in your online shop.

Drip Marketing

2. Conditions

Triggers initiate the campaign and put the wheels in motion. Nevertheless, a series of predetermined requirements must be satisfied before the engagement activities begin. Like triggers, drip marketing campaign circumstances are established by the marketing manager designing the campaign; thus, they are limited only by the manager’s creativity. But if you have no clue where to begin and are searching for some examples, we’ve got you covered:

  • sending an email when a lead clicks on a certain link;
  • awaiting two days until sending the sequence’s initial email.

3. Actions

In drip marketing, activities related to the real interaction aspects form a relationship between the firm and the client. These activities may take the shape of emails, Text messages, social network direct messages, or push notifications, depending on the sort of drip marketing in the issue.

Why Implement a Drip Campaign?

The benefits of drip marketing are many! As discussed before, drip programs provide a tremendous return on the effort and money required to put them up.


One of the most important benefits of drip marketing programs is a way to drive revenue. They create individualized customer experiences through targeted automated communication and help businesses build strong connections and reputations with their consumers.

Lead management

In addition to improving conversions, drip campaigns provide various additional advantages, particularly for ecommerce and SaaS companies. Through welcome emails & onboarding procedures, they are vital components of lead nurturing. With a well-thought-out drip marketing approach, you can guide new leads through each step of the customer experience.


Reengaging contacts is an additional use of drip marketing. Instead of letting contacts drift away, reach out to them automatically and at the ideal moment using drip marketing.

Content Promotion

Drip marketing is also ideal for advertising content, new products, launches, blog pieces, or gated material like ebooks or case studies. You provide your target audience with good information and additional motivation to connect with your business.

Brand Recognition

Additionally, another top benefit of drip marketing is increasing brand recognition. Even if your contacts do not convert as expected, keeping customers informed about your company helps retain a favorable perception of your brand.

How To Implement A Drip Marketing Campaign

One of the advantages of drip marketing strategies is that they are simple to implement. Similar to an ordinary email marketing campaign, they may be broken down into several important elements, the proper fulfillment of which will result in a spectacular campaign!

Step 1: Determine Who Your Audience Is

You must first discover your target audience’s basic characteristics, including who they are, what they want (even what they don’t realize they want), and how they behave. This phase is required for all marketing campaigns, but it is particularly crucial for drip marketing since it offers a personalized approach to each target audience member. Market segmentation gives you a deeper knowledge of the groups that make up your target audience and their motivations.

Drip marketing relies on two forms of segmentation based on triggers. You may segment the target population based on action or demographic triggers.

Action-trigger-based segmentation indicates that you organize your drip campaign by putting individuals into categories depending on their interactions with your organization. For instance, you may send them a welcome email after registering, a receipt with shipping information, and a few upselling opportunities when they complete a purchase.

Segmentation based on demographic triggers entails monitoring consumer behavior and guiding leads toward conversion. It focuses mostly on prior transactions, cart abandonment, and extended inactivity after registration.

In addition, analyzing the market and aligning the findings of your study with the audience you want to reach enables you to establish SMART goals. Additionally, you will be able to define the objectives of your drip marketing campaign. Do you want to prioritize lead nurturing, or are you looking to increase conversion and persuade prospects to buy your products or services? Or, are you looking to develop a solid relationship with your customers? You may be interested in everything listed above. In one way or another, determining the basic objectives of your campaign enables you to determine the framework of activities necessary to attain them.

Step 2: Compose Your Message

Once you have determined who you want to target with your drip campaign, you can consider the message you wish to send them. Drip marketing focuses on delivering “the correct information at the right time,” thus, you must guarantee that your material is of the greatest quality and relevant to the cause. It is crucial that your messaging gives value to prospects and appeals to them in general.

At this time, you must begin writing your first drafts. You must be able to respond to the question of what you would like the receivers of your emails to do based on the objectives of your campaign. Do you want individuals to spend longer on your website, or would you like them to discover more about the exciting new product you’ve just introduced? Depending on the response, you must compose a copy of the letters you will send in the future that is actionable, appealing, and clear.

Drip Marketing

Step 3: Plan Your Campaign

At this point, your messages should be prepared and waiting to be sent. The current job is to ensure that they all move together and do not contradict one another. The purpose of drip marketing is to maintain communication continuity over time. Therefore, while designing your campaign, you must schedule your emails so that they continue to arrive and remain relevant!

The following is a checklist of questions to consider while preparing your drip marketing campaign:

  • How many emails should I send over the campaign’s duration?
  • When will each of these emails be sent?
  • Which order will I send them in?
  • All of my emails correspond to the defined triggers?
  • How will I evaluate the effectiveness of my campaign?

Step 4: Launch The Campaign

After completing everything, you may launch the campaign and send emails.

A pro tip: begin your campaign with the assistance of CRM software to get the best potential outcomes and dramatically increase your productivity. Since we’re discussing email drip marketing, the optimal solution is an email CRM system. Most of these CRM systems are completely connected with Gmail, the leading email service in the world, and has many amazing capabilities for automating operations. For example, you may streamline the process of sending mass emails, schedule your emails, and segment your recipients from inside your inbox!

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Step 5: Evaluate & Adjust

Ultimately, evaluate the first outcomes. Even if you are an expert in drip marketing and are utilizing a CRM system to automate your campaign, you cannot just sit back and rest. If you want to remain at the top of your game, you must regularly assess the efficacy of your campaign and make adjustments to get the greatest results possible!

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