Email marketing is one of the most successful techniques for ecommerce business owners to increase sales. It’s one of the few marketing channels where your audience has already agreed to hear from you. It stands to reason that email is a top focus for many new and expanding online enterprises.

However, it is too simple to lose email as a viable and profitable channel by sending uninteresting emails to the wrong individuals.

Great email marketing campaigns are timely, relevant, and customized. So understanding the basic emails, you may send to consumers is a smart place to start. In general, there are three types of emails you may send:

  • Transactional emails, such as receipts and other post-purchase notifications
  • Sales emails, new product releases, and newsletters are examples of promotional emails.
  • A customer’s actions trigger lifecycle emails. For example, sending an abandoned cart email to clients who did not finish their purchase.

Creating and optimizing all of these possible emails might be difficult for anybody new to building an email marketing campaign from the bottom up. Also, there are indeed numerous variants to the emails you may send within each category—even a cursory check of the campaigns conducted by established firms demonstrates just how much variability is available.

But remember that most emails contain the same functioning “parts”—a subject line and preheader, body content, images, a call to action, and so on. You can start receiving better results from (nearly) every email you send by learning a few tried-and-true email marketing campaign best practices, which we will list in this blog. So, keep reading. 

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Subject Lines Matter The Most

The subject line of your email marketing campaign serves a crucial purpose. It’s maybe the single most important aspect in determining whether or not a subscriber opens your email. Even the strongest email in the world will be buried in your readers’ inboxes if the subject line does not inspire them to act.

That is why subject lines require more thought than many firms give them. Fortunately, because of its importance, email marketers have extensively studied what constitutes a good subject line. Here are some email marketing campaign best practices:

  • Before being creative, be clear: Your subject line should tell readers what they’ll discover in the email rather than relying on imprecise, ambiguous language (although a little intrigue is fine). There should be no opportunity for miscommunication.
  • Keep it brief: Mobile email carriers chop off subject lines around 55-70 characters, so keep your message within that limit to avoid having it cut off.
  • Not clickbait, but clickable: Because you want many individuals to read your email, it’s simple to oversell the material. However, open rates are only valuable if they direct subscribers to your call-to-action rather than mislead them into unsubscribing.
  • Ask questions: According to research, subject lines structured as questions are more likely to interest subscribers.
  • When in doubt, do an A/B test: You may learn more about what works for your audience by doing A/B tests on your subject lines.

Email Marketing Best Practices for Campaigns

Segment Your Email List

Segmentation for your email marketing campaign may appear complex, but it just means dividing your email subscribers into smaller, more focused groups. Furthermore, most email marketing providers make it simple to categorize your list.

Segmentation allows you to send more targeted emails to the correct individuals at the right time, increasing the likelihood that each email will convert that part of your consumers. Several criteria may be used to segment your email list, including:

  • Customer profile
  • Interest in certain areas or services
  • Location
  • Engagement level

For example, you might design an email section for new subscribers who have yet to purchase. Since your objective for that section is to create trust and encourage beginner subscribers to purchase for the first time, you may add first-time discounts in these emails.

You can have a separate division for long-term, loyal consumers who shop regularly and spend a lot of money at your store. You don’t need to provide discounts to encourage those clients to buy, so you can focus on expressing gratitude and offering things they might be interested in. Hence, proper segmentation can help improve the performance and how your audience reacts to your email marketing campaign.

Remove Stale or Unengaged Subscribers

Even if all of the addresses were added via a double opt-in process, an email list would rapidly get stale if you don’t communicate with your subscribers regularly.

Consider this: If you don’t contact your subscribers regularly, they may forget they joined your list in the first place. Sending emails to an out-of-date list might result in significant bounce rates, spam complaints, and unsubscribes.

Creating a campaign timetable is one excellent email marketing campaign that can prevent this from happening. This guarantees that your subscribed contacts continue to get your emails and that you remain front of mind. Ask contacts to reaffirm their subscription if there are any stale email addresses on your list.

Ensure Your Content Is Well-Drafted

Now that you’ve determined who you’ll write to, it’s time to consider your topic. What message do you wish to convey to your audience? You’ll want to send emails with a purpose that truly resonates with your subscribers, so remember why they joined up in the first place. It could be useful to sketch out some generic content kinds that you can include in your campaigns to refer to them while developing your emails.

An example of a content list based on email marketing campaign best practices is as follows:

  • Events planned in the near future
  • Previous event recaps and photographs
  • Popular social media posts or catchy videos, such as Instagram or Facebook News coverage
  • Information on highlighted or new products
  • Shopping recommendations for the holidays

When delivering an email marketing campaign, you may select a few pieces of material to highlight based on who you’re mailing to. Before you begin developing new content, consider what you currently have that your consumers would be interested in, such as a popular Instagram or Facebook post or an article written about your brand.

You should also consider creating material expressly for your audience or certain parts on your list and rewarding them for caring about what you do. 

Email Marketing Best Practices for Campaigns

Plan For Spam Filters

Email spam filters employ many parameters to determine whether or not your campaign will be sent to the spam folder of a receiver. Since filters learn more about what spam looks like every time someone selects “This is junk” or “Mark as spam” on their email client, the list of spammy criteria is always increasing and evolving. Spam filters even communicate with one another to relay what they’ve discovered.

There is no secret recipe for avoiding spam filters, but we have some email marketing campaign best practices for your email marketing campaign that can help you to prevent the most common faults that lead to emails being labeled as spam:

  • Maintain an excellent reputation for sending. Certain spam filters will flag the campaign if someone with the same IP address has ever sent spam. Hence, you need to be extremely careful about the IP address and server you use to send your emails.
  • Make use of correctly coded email templates. Spam filters can be triggered by sloppy code, superfluous tags, or formatting code imported from a rich-text editor. If you are unfamiliar with HTML coding, you could consider using email marketing tools like MailChimp with an in-built editor. 
  • Make it clear what you want. You should also clarify your objective so that your subscribers understand why you’re contacting them, reducing the chances of them reporting your email as spam.
  • Check that all your list’s subscribers agree to receive your campaigns. This is the simplest approach to ensure that no one unsubscribes, complains or reports about your efforts.
  • Maintain consistency. Try not to deviate too much from the information and design your audience already knows via your brand, website, or social media outlets.

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Don’t Forget To End With A Strong Call-To-Action (CTA)

Calls to action state exactly what action you want the reader to take after reading your email and how to do it (usually a link or button). The CTA indicates the campaign’s main purpose. It’s what your emails encourage readers to do: buy a specific item, evaluate a recent purchase, or do something completely different. Here are some email marketing campaign best practices:

  • Prioritize one CTA per email: Each campaign should center on a single action. Each extra call to action has the potential to distract or confuse the reader.
  • Use action-oriented terms that convey a sense of urgency: Getting clients to act, like anything else, is all about establishing a sense of urgency. This might include highlighting the “limited duration” of a particular deal, the “limited amount” of stock for an item, and words such as “Buy immediately” or “Get started now.”
  • Use an eye-catching button image: Your call to action should stand out from the rest of the email text. Using a button graphic (rather than a text link) and bright, contrasting colors might help it stand out. It’s also a good idea to put the button somewhere with plenty of white space, ideally not near the bottom of an email.

Continue reading iTMunch for the latest news and articles related to email marketing. Learn more about our email marketing services.

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