Each year the technology industry comes together for the Consumer Electronic Show, which is better known as CES. This event is held in Las Vegas and is set with the agenda of introducing all the technological advancements for the coming 12 months.

Introducing Technological Advacements at CES 2019 | iTMunch

Like every year even this year’s event saw some top brands introducing mind-blowing concepts belonging to different spectrums of IT. While most ideas were more than elaborate illustrations, some tech concepts were close to reality. These concepts were introduced with the aim to make the technology field grow at a faster pace. Now that the event for this year is done and dusted, let’s look at some of the major concepts highlighted.

Dawn of 5G

This year’s CES described the start of the 5G era of mobile technology. This mobile network technology is expected to bring connectivity speeds fastest ha the current 4G networks. For now, mobile network companies like Vodafone are testing the technology. Various brands at the event expressed that this technological advancement will not just offer faster mobile internet speeds but will also connect to more devices and appliances. Thus being able to handle more data in the process. Experts at the show also commented on the higher capacity of 5G networks being able to support the software needed to power networks of driverless cars and robots. Such a huge step in the industry is also likely to spark more manufacturers into creating 5G-enabled devices.

Artificial Intelligence: Its True Meaning

Artificial intelligence is the most prominent trend in the tech industry from the past two years once again gained attention in this year’s CES. At the event, speakers expressed that almost every product existing and to be introduced in the future has some form of artificial intelligence. Along with, it was said that in 2019 bots and AI will become even more useful. Alongside gadget makers such as LG, Samsung and Sony, firms like farming vehicle manufacturer John Deere were at the show with devices they say are powered by AI. With more brands making use of AI, it is envisaged that is going to change the world.

Smartphones and Beyond

We can expect major tech manufacturers in this year to innovate beyond smartphones because of the notable signs of saturation and stagnation saw in 2018. Speakers at the event said the mobile phone technology is being advanced in a form which will have robots helping to conduct even minor tasks. The most surprising example of this was Samsung’s surprise unveiling of three new robots during the event. At CES 2019 there were certain introductions made which directed towards producing consumer-ready multifunctional flowing display devices.

Sustainability of Virtual Reality

The concept of virtual reality has had its own struggle of maintaining popularity among consumers since the inception of its headsets in 2015. Certain concerns raised in the event about virtual reality included its weakened demand for systems due to the cost of setup and level of immersion required. It was also said that due to some extreme hurdles there are doubts raised if can still stay as a viable business. However, two of the biggest names in VR are far from ready to give in and are still innovating. Their efforts are making VR more accessible and could perhaps turn more people on to the technology.

SEE ALSO: Tech Trends to Watch in 2019

With such technological advancements set and introduced for the year already in the CES, 2019 looks like a year full of progression and setting new standards in the IT industry.

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