Read the latest blog on iTMunch titled "Tech Trends to Watch for in 2019"

According to top tech experts, 2019 is not going to be a year of groundbreaking innovations and inventions. What the year will include though, is a lot of groundwork for these innovations. There are a lot of predictions made by experts on what to technology trends to expect in 2019. Read the research blog to know more about the upcoming and awaited trends of the new year.

While the main focus is on developing new technology, there are going to be changes made in leaps and bounds to the existing technology itself. Already there is a rapid and noticeable change in how we interact with technology on a day-to-day basis. Be it at our workplace, home or even in the car, the involvement of technology in our daily lives is only increasing.

There are massive changes in terms of computing capacity and even our connectivity services. All these changes are only altering how organisations operate. The innovation in existing applications and software is also one big trend that is changing the very core of companies and their functions.

New technologies are going to be used in real and useful applications across all industries. Personal computing will evolve with the constant improvement of our smartphones. The introduction of 5G into our environment will alter how we use the internet drastically. Augmented reality and wearables are constantly progressing as well. Artificial intelligence will take up a key role in all computing and many more products, which will lead to our devices anticipating our wants.

Here are the top trends in technology that have been anticipated in the year 2019, and views of experts on them:

5G Gets Introduced into the Market

Verizon and AT&T both already have active networks for 5G, but they are very limited. In 2019 though, the 5G reach is supposed to expand all around. If all goes well, 5G should be able to be put into use for more than just creating faster smartphones for its users.

Apple is most likely not going to launch 5G services this year though, but other companies are ready to expand their reach into more markets. The introduction of 5G should impact our lives in a lot of aspects, not just our phones. With 5G, one can expect improved, more secured smart-home devices and battery operated remote sensors. There are also talks of a surge in the mobile health applications, but one has to see this things in fruition before believing them.

5G has been talked about for the better part of the decade. It has always been referred to creating the beginning of a network that is always on, and a super fast mobile broadband connection that would finally help get rid of landlines once and for all.

The services will be launched based on mmWave technology by AT&T and Verizon. T-Mobile is planning on launching its 5G services using its low-band spectrum. This will not be as fast as the mmWave technology, but it will guarantee a wider reach and hence be the more reliable option.

By the end of 2019, at least one major service provider will offer 5G services across the country, even in the rural areas and suburbs.

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The Rise of Electric Car Production

In 2019, more car companies are going to start investing in the production of electric cars. A Tesla won’t be the only car that comes to mind if someone brings up electric cars. There are about a dozen electric car models in the making that will be launched in 2019, mostly in the luxury car segment. Audi, Aston Martin and Jaguar are some of the companies that will debut their electric cars, but this won’t come cheap.

There are a few like the Mini E and Volvo XC40 that give more affordable options for those of us who want to reduce their carbon footprint without costing us our lives. Tesla is launching a $30,000 Model 3 as well, and there is also the e-Golf by Volkswagen in the $30,000 – $35,000 price range.

So there is a market for affordable electric cars as well. Just because electric cars are going into production or are launching in 2019 does not mean that there will be a surge on the roads. The adoption of the electric car will still take a few years to come into play, but giant strides are being taken to create a more sustainable means of transportation.

Google Expands into the Smart Home Sector

In 2018, when Google had a spot at the CES, Google Home managed to catch up to Alexa when it came down to popularity and awareness. In 2019, the company has tripled their space from last year in hopes of achieving the same result. Their plan to expand into the smart home sector is of no secret and the 2019 CES can go a long way in helping Google achieve this goal.

Google has the full platform for hyping its Google Assistant, which has been gaining popularity, especially with their new features like Duplex and Call Screen. This can help the company tap into the smart home market, something which Google has still been unable to do successfully.

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all about machines learning human mechanisms. This includes speaking, learning, seeing and recognition. AI is focused on completing tasks and learning from them, especially if the actions are repetitive in nature. The results are much faster and way more accurate when compared to humans.

The usage of artificial intelligence in software is increasing in applications, and will continue to climb the ladder in 2019. In a few years, analysts predict that all software will use AI to some level or extent. This is because AI offers the technological capabilities and the opportunity to constantly tailor products and services based on the user’s preferences. This makes AI agile, adept, flexible and extremely useful.

Augmented Reality (AR) is trending | iTMunch

The Evolution of Augmented Reality

What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality include systems that combine real-time 3D vision along with sound and haptics, as well as the location data and even smell to some extent. These senses enable people to immerse themselves in a different setting altogether, without having to leave the confines of the space they are in. They react in real-time to the environment that is being portrayed around them.

Augmented reality has seen a lot of growth in different areas. Many organisations across different sectors and industries have used AR to their benefit. From entertainment to commerce, education to military, medicine and even the police force has had access to AR technology. A lot of artists have managed to use AR as a medium to create and showcase their works as well.

AR will continue to grow and expand across all industries and platform in 2019, making it more easily accessible for use to people. It will be able to help in increasing efficiency for internal stakeholders as well as improve the communication a company has with its customer base.

The Demise of Cable TV

With the global rise of online streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime and more, the demise of cable TV may not be that far into the future. These platforms are cheaper, more convenient to use, and offer a large variety of shows, movies, and more at any given time. There is no need of waiting around for countless advertisements or specific show timings to catch up on the last episode. Anyone can view anything with nothing more than a click.

This is impacting the cable service providers greatly. Their loss in business will only increase in the coming year, and if not in 2019 then soon, cable TV will hold no precedence over these streaming platforms.

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The Internet of Everything

By the year 2020, it is expected that around 50 billion things will be connected. This goes way beyond just the Internet of Things, it becomes Internet of Everything (IoE). Internet of Everything will create connections and ecosystems for the virtual world to interact with the real world in ways that are unheard of. Society will become more technology driven as a whole.

Automation will take up new meaning, and all technology will have some form of machine learning adapted into it. The surge in data will increase the importance of data value management. This richness of data will come and get processed using AI. This will lead to intelligent insights and outcomes that we have never seen before coming to fruition.

Smart Cities get Smarter

There are smart cities all over the world that have invested in infrastructure, utility management and transportation technology. The investments will bear fruition in 2019. The benefits will be seen in our day to day lives.

Smart cities become smarter | iTMunch

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This will be possible because of the increase in flow of data. These outcomes can only take place by using real-time data, gathered from real applications. The volume of data that is available for use will reach a critical mass with the impact it has on our lives – it can range from cleaner air to cheaper energy and more efficient public services. All of these can start to take effect.