In today’s business world, there is no room for complacency for marketers. As the competition continues to become more fierce than ever before, lead generation is very crucial. In the internet era, content marketing has emerged as an affordable and effective marketing tool. Businesses of all shapes and forms are engaged in creating unique and high-quality content across different digital touchpoints. 

As time flies by, Google continues to surprise us with frequent algorithm changes, compelling content, and digital marketers to stay on their toes at all times to ensure that the integrity of the content remains. While creating high-quality content regularly is an absolute must, it may not be enough. Content syndication is equally important to reach a wider audience, earn extra referrals, and expand your business. 

However, there are plenty of doubts surrounding B2B content syndication. For starters, is republishing published content on third-party websites a good SEO practice? Is recycling outdated content to generate organic traffic an effective marketing strategy?

If you are looking for answers to these questions, this blog is written for you. Let’s understand the basics of content syndication and understand why it is important.

To know more about content syndication services, Schedule a demo .

So, what is content syndication?

Content syndication is a tried and tested lead generation and content marketing strategy. It involves seamless hosting and distribution of B2B content to third-party websites and platforms. 

The aim of B2B content syndication is to ensure your content reaches the right audience to generate relevant leads. 

Why is B2B content syndication so effective? 

search engine optimization

We hope you have a basic understanding of what B2B content syndication means. Now, let us examine the benefits of content syndication. 

1. Leads, leads, leads

Better and improved lead generation is arguably one of the most important benefits of content syndication. This content marketing strategy enables a business to generate more high-quality leads. 

Content syndication is effective as there are tangible results. Unless you have the right experience and expertise, outsource content syndication to an agency. Not only will you have clarity regarding the leads your campaign is likely to generate, but an agency will also create a strategy that is suitable for your business.

A trusted and reputed agency will help you generate a lot of leads. 

2. Repurposing content – a dream to reality

Content syndication is a dream come true for marketers who are eager to repurpose content. After all, creating good quality content takes a significant amount of effort and time. Therefore, marketers are looking for opportunities and the best ways to repurpose content, and content syndication opens that avenue. 

B2B content syndication helps you repurpose content without having to update, edit, and modify it. Marketers only need to identify which content they wish to repurpose and who their target audience is. Content syndication will handle the rest. 

3. Go beyond the horizon, reach a wider audience

Target audience for syndication

If you want to increase your leads, prioritize demand generation. That being said, you need to proactively try to reach new customers. This is another major benefit of content syndication. It allows you to reach a larger audience at a local and global level. 

Content syndication has its own share of complications. That’s why it is advisable to let an agency handle content syndication for you. These companies syndicate your content via different platforms, channels, and websites they own. Rest assured, your content will be targeted toward relevant and experienced audiences. 

4. More backlinks, better results

Link building with SEO

It is safe to say that the fate of your company’s website is largely influenced by Google. What is the domain authority of your website? What is the search volume for a keyword extensively used in your industry? How can my website show on the first page of a search result? This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. 

The aim of SEO is to ensure your website ranks higher in search results. Creating backlinks is one way to rank high in search engines. Links from one website to another are referred to as backlinks in SEO. 

The cornerstone of content syndication requires users to create trustworthy links that lead to the original blog post and websites.

The search engine gives more credibility to a website if it has more backlinks to the original page. Your website will show up more frequently in search engine results, which will get you organic traffic.

5. Content syndication is budget-friendly

Content marketing or digital marketing on the whole is more affordable than traditional marketing mediums. Content syndication is no exception. It is cost-effective and one of the best ways to generate many leads without spending much. 

Even automatic content syndication will feed the pipeline and draw leads that keep the sales staff active. This is only possible once expectations are managed and the follow-up procedure is complete.

There are many lead generation strategies that direct potential customers to your marketing funnel. This is true even if you have to pay. Here, third-party providers can benefit as well since they have access to free content for their websites.

6. Brand awareness

Another major benefit of B2B content syndication is building brand awareness. It allows existing brands to improve their stature and new brands to emerge. Posting niche and unique content on third-party websites regularly enhances a company’s credibility and helps them establish a firm footing in the industry. 

If more people know about your company, your product, and your services, the higher the chances of generating new leads. It is important to understand that your products and services will only sell when people know about your brand’s existence. Therefore, creating brand awareness becomes very important, and content syndication helps you do just that. 

7. B2B content syndication generates real-engagement

The type of relationship a company shares with its customers is a fair indicator of how successful the company is. If you wish to forge long-lasting relationships with your customers, consider content syndication. 

8. Businesses can syndicate different content

Please note you can syndicate content beyond blogs and articles. Typically, you can also syndicate datasheets, whitepapers, case studies, videos, and webinars. 

Typically, the content is gated. It means that readers must fill out a form before full access to the content. Make sure that the supporting descriptions or abstracts of the content pieces differ from those on your website to prevent SEO penalties for such content. Consider changing the title as well. Ask the content syndication vendor to use a canonical tag to link back to the original source if possible.

Difference between guest blogging and content syndication

In content syndication, you are not creating new content. You are simply republishing it. On the other hand, guest blogging means you are creating and publishing original content on third-party websites. 

Content syndication is more extensive than guest blogging, and that is exactly why many marketers favor syndication over guest blogging. In content syndication, you need to write a price and publish it on your website’s blog page. Now, you can syndicate the content you have created on other syndication and content platforms. 

When you repost content, you save time and resources as you are not creating new content. You can continue to generate leads even when you repost content. However, guest posts are not scalable. 

After you write and publish a guest blog on a popular website in your industry, it will remain there permanently. You cannot publish or reuse it in the future. Therefore, content syndication is more scalable than guest blogging. 

Final thoughts – B2B content syndication is important, do not ignore it

As mentioned earlier, content syndication is every marketer’s dream come true. The word’s penned by Ann Hadley “our online words are our emissaries; they tell the world who we are” when forming syndicating relationships sum up content syndication in the best way possible. 

Content syndication is an essential component of demand generation. Therefore, if your content is syndicated across the right platforms, you will start reaping the benefits of this amazing content marketing strategy. By now, we hope you have enough knowledge to get started with syndication. 

It is the best way to scale up your content marketing strategy. So, what are you waiting for? 

You can leave a comment below and tell us if you have deployed content syndication. What are the results? We would love to hear from you. 

To know more about content syndication services, Schedule a demo.

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Image 1 Source: Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

Image 2 Source: Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Image 3 Source: Image by Diggity Marketing from Pixabay