Whether you are just starting your journey in content marketing or are a seasoned professional, there is a strong possibility you know how hard it can get to create blogs that rank well on search engines. Despite consistent efforts, many experienced bloggers and established brands struggle to build a loyal audience and get relevant traffic to their blog posts. On the other hand, there are websites such as that Nerdwallet that rule the roost and have aced the content planning and marketing game.

With over 21 million website visitors per month, Nerdwallet ranks high on search engines for everything from credit cards to loans. Are you wondering why Nerdwallet is so successful? While there could be a bunch of factors, we are majorly attributing their growth trajectory to their solid content syndication strategy that has enabled them to create a solid online presence and build a loyal reader base. 

If you are a blogger aspiring to reach the stars, it is about time to tap into content syndication. Read on to find out the best content syndication strategies for bloggers and how your name can join the likes of Nerdwallet. 

Let’s begin by understanding what content syndication is. 

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What do we mean by content syndication?

We will not make it complicated for you. Content syndication simply means republishing your existing blog or an article on multiple relevant platforms to generate more website traffic and ensure your blogs reach your target audience. 

Let’s be real – no blogger wants a meagre 10-15 views on their blogs. Content syndication is an important cog in the content marketing machine and every blogger should have a well-defined content syndication strategy up their sleeve to ensure their content reaches a wider audience and increase their online visibility. 

This strategy should involve identifying reputable syndication platforms, selecting relevant and high-quality content to syndicate, and optimizing content for search engines and social media to maximize its impact. Additionally, bloggers should ensure that they maintain control over their content and monitor its performance to make informed decisions about future syndication efforts.

To know more about our Content syndication services, Schedule a demo

Why do bloggers need content syndication?

Before we dive deeper into the crux of the subject, it is important to note that content syndication is an absolute must if your goal is to become a reputed blogger. There is no running away from it. If you are still looking for a way out to exclude content syndication from your content marketing efforts, here are a few reasons to convince you why that is not a good idea. 

  • Reach your target audience and get validation from readers

The thumb rule of content syndication is, “The more the merrier”. Yes, that’s right. You should aim to establish a presence on as many sites as possible where your target audience is. Additionally, you need to think beyond the regular social media sites including LinkedIn and Facebook and look for platforms in line with the niche of your blog. 

  • Content syndication does NOT harm your SEO

According to contrary belief, content syndication does not harm your search engine optimization (SEO) results and is a good practice. 

  • Content syndication > guest blogging

Although guest blogging is an excellent approach to increasing your audience and obtaining relevant backlinks, it may be difficult for a new blogger to land such assignments or even find the time to write a few extra posts each month. This is why bloggers, especially entry-level bloggers require content syndication to grow. 

  • Opportunity to earn extra revenue

Did you know that there are a few content syndication platforms that actually pay bloggers to republish high-quality content? Yes, you read that right. However, it is not as straightforward as it seems. Whether or not the content syndication platform decides to pay will depend on the traffic the blog generates, the exclusivity of the content, and other factors. 

Content syndication strategies for bloggers

1. Syndicating third-party content on your website

As a publisher, you may ask permission for using content from another website on your blog. Your blog should ideally have 10% or less content that is syndicated. It’s always an excellent idea to include valuable material that benefits your readers and is worth their time, even if it isn’t entirely original.

If you manage a blog with numerous contributors, you are aware of how difficult it may be to convince talented writers to agree to write a post for you. A true industry influencer won’t often have much free time to devote to creating a special blog article, particularly for you.

2. Syndicate your content on other websites

As a blogger, you should understand that you can also syndicate your content on other relevant partner websites. For example, a blog published on your website can also feature on other leading content syndication platforms including Medium and LinkedIn to name a few. 

Typically, there are two ways to do this:

  • 100% syndicated content

In this case, you are not bound to create any original content for your partner’s website. Your partner will only republish your existing content. 

  • Split between original and syndicated content

Here, you and your partner’s website can decide to split original and syndicated content. The split can either be a 50-50 split, 60-40 split or according to the terms both parties agree on.

Publishers are typically open to agreements as long as the quality of the content is good. They are aware of your busy schedule, and the best part is that it’s free content (on most occasions). However, those publishers typically won’t stick to the agreement unless the content you provide them performs as promised. 

3. Syndicate your own content

Have you ever thought about syndicating your own content? Well, now you will. Websites such as Medium and Huffington Post are a great way to kickstart self-service content syndication. Typically, creating an author ID on these websites is relatively smooth and takes just a few minutes. 

LinkedIn is another great alternative if you are looking for self-service content syndication platforms. Each time you post something on LinkedIn, your followers or connections will receive a notification – a great way to prompt them to read your blog. 

4. Content repurposing – but wait, does it even work?

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There is no doubt that content syndication is effective and a great way to push your content toward your target audience. That said, all publications are not interested in content syndication. The way around it? Yes, you guessed it, content repurposing. 

While content repurposing isn’t something that tickles a blogger’s creative mind, it is an acceptable and common practice. What does content repurposing mean? It means that you create a new blog around the same topic for a different website by rephrasing the text of the original blog. 

We would recommend content repurposing only if you are creating a blog for a new audience. 

To know more about our Content syndication services, Schedule a demo

Parting Notes – content syndication for superstar bloggers

Content syndication is effective, reliable, and a great way for bloggers to draw eyeballs. Ultimately, it adds value and therefore, is a good addition to your content marketing strategy. A solid content syndication strategy can help bloggers attain their short-term and long-term goals including better reach, more views, and a larger reader base. 

Content syndication is not only an effective way to build an online audience but also very cost-effective in the long run. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with content syndication by formulating winning content syndication strategies for your blog. If you are not sure where to start, get in touch with our team and let us take care of the rest. 

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