In today’s fast-paced business world, human resources (HR) teams are very important to a company’s success. HR workers are in charge of hiring, keeping, and handling employees, all of which directly affect the business’s bottom line. Businesses use HR analytics platforms, a powerful tool that gives data-driven views into different HR processes, to make smart choices and improve their HR strategies.

We will learn a lot about HR data screens in this huge book. We will discuss what they are, why they are important, how to make good HR analytics tools, and the possible benefits they provide. It would be best if you had a good idea of how HR analytics dashboards can change how you do HR work and help your company grow by the end of this blog.

SEE ALSO: Find Out How Technology is Impacting HR Roles and Processes

What are HR Analytics Dashboards?

HR analytics dashboards are data visualization tools that enable HR professionals to monitor and analyze key metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in real time. These dashboards visually represent HR data, making it easier to interpret and derive actionable insights.

The data displayed on these dashboards can cover a wide range of HR activities, including:

  • Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: Tracking the efficiency of recruitment efforts, applicant funnel, time-to-fill positions, and candidate quality.
  • Employee Engagement: Monitoring employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and the impact of engagement initiatives.
  • Performance Management: Evaluating employee performance, identifying top performers, and assessing the effectiveness of performance appraisal processes.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Analyzing salary structures, benefit utilization, and the cost-effectiveness of compensation plans.
  • Training and Development: Assessing training program effectiveness, identifying skill gaps, and tracking employee development.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Measuring diversity metrics and progress toward inclusion goals.
  • Compliance: Ensuring HR practices comply with labor laws and regulations.

Creating Effective HR Analytics Dashboards

Creating effective HR analytics dashboards is a multi-faceted process that demands meticulous attention to detail and an understanding of your organization’s unique needs. Let’s expand upon each step in the process to provide a deeper insight into designing a dashboard that truly delivers actionable insights:

1. Define Objectives

Before you start designing a web analytics dashboard, you need to know your company’s HR goals. The bigger business goals should be in line with these goals. Want to reduce employee loss, make hiring easier, get employees more involved, or get the most out of your training programs? Figuring out these goals is very important because they will affect the data used and how the screen is designed.

For instance, if the goal is to get employees more involved, you might keep track of things like layoff rates, employee happiness numbers, and the results of efforts to get employees more involved. If you are focused on employment, you may monitor how long it takes to fill jobs and how good the candidates are.

2. Gather Data

The next step is to gather the information we need. HR data can come from many places, like your HRIS, salary systems, performance management tools, customer polls, and more. Ensure that the information you gather is correct, up-to-date, and the same from all sources. For solid ideas, data precision is a must.

Data integration platforms and tools can be very helpful for getting data from many sources and putting it all together in a way that can be shown on a screen.

3. Choose the Right Metrics

Selecting the right metrics is critical to a web analytics dashboard design. Metrics must directly align with your defined objectives. Common HR metrics include:

  • Turnover Rate: A key indicator of employee retention.
  • Time-to-Fill: Measures the efficiency of your recruitment process.
  • Employee Satisfaction Scores: Gauge the overall happiness of your workforce.
  • Training Completion Rates: Reflect on the effectiveness of your training and development programs.

Choosing metrics that resonate with your objectives allows you to track progress effectively and make informed decisions.

analytics dashboards

4. Select Visualization Tools

Picking the right display tools is important for making an interesting and useful dashboard. Visualization tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Excel let you make everything from simple line graphs and bar charts to more complicated heatmaps and dynamic panels.

Think about what your panel users like and how much they know. Interactive panels are great because they let people look at info independently, but they might need more training. If your audience needs to improve with data, use simpler, more basic graphics.

5. Design the Dashboard

Designing a web analytics dashboard itself involves creating a layout that is user-friendly and intuitive. Ensure that it is visually appealing and adheres to best practices in data visualization:

  • Utilise clear and concise labels for graphs and charts.
  • Employ consistent color schemes to represent data categories.
  • Include appropriate titles and headings to provide context.
  • Ensure the dashboard is responsive for access on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.
  • The design should make it easy for users to grasp the insights presented quickly.

6. Implement Data Filters

Interactive parts, like data filters, are very important for making your HR analytics platform easier to use. Digging into individual data sets, periods, or sections with filters is possible. This feature lets users look at data in more depth and get information that they can use.

Users may want to sort data by department, area, or period to find trends or problems affecting only a certain group or period.

7. Provide Context

Contextual information is essential for helping users interpret the data presented on the dashboard. Include annotations, historical trends, benchmarks, and explanatory notes where necessary. This context delivers a deeper acquaintance of the data and helps users make informed decisions.

8. Test and Iterate

Once the web analytics dashboard is built, testing it with a small group of users, especially those using it regularly, is crucial. Gather feedback on usability, clarity, and the relevance of the data. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and iterate on the design. Continuous improvement ensures that the dashboard remains effective and aligned with evolving HR objectives.

Real-Life Examples of Companies Benefitting From Analytic Dashboards

Let’s take a look at two real-life examples of organizations that have benefited from HR analytics dashboards:

Example 1: Google

Google is known for being an innovative company that values a diverse and welcoming workplace. To keep its reputation as a top employer, Google uses HR data screens as a key tool. Google carefully monitors many important HR measures in its HR analytics system. These include employee participation scores, diversity metrics, and turnover rates. This thorough tracking of data lets Google stay proactive in its HR management.

For example, Google can find trends and patterns in employee loss by keeping an eye on retention rates through their monitors. Now that they have this knowledge, they can take steps to keep good employees and fix problems that may be causing people to leave. Google is also dedicated to diversity and inclusion, as shown by the fact that they always keep an eye on diversity measures. These screens let them track how many people from different demographic groups are working, which helps ensure that the workplace is diverse and welcoming for everyone.

Example 2: IBM

IBM is a global tech and consulting corporation that uses HR data tools to make hiring people faster and better. Their main focus is on numbers that measure how well they hire people, how good the candidates are, and how much money they save. This lets them make choices based on facts and better use their resources.

One important part of IBM’s dashboard analytics is keeping track of how well different methods for finding candidates are working. These sources include job boards, social media, employee recommendations, and more. IBM can better use its resources by keeping an eye on how each channel is doing and putting more money into the ones that work best while cutting back on those that don’t.


A data analysis dashboard is an important tool for companies that want to improve their HR strategies and general business success in today’s data-driven business world. Organizations can use HR analytics to make better decisions, lower costs, increase employee involvement, and lower legal risks by setting clear goals, collecting relevant data, picking the right measures, and creating useful displays. HR data screens have real-world effects that can be seen at businesses like Google and IBM. HR is always changing, and companies using data can find, keep, and grow the best employees faster.

SEE ALSO: 7 Strong Reasons for Integrating Global HR solutions

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