While a few gig economy firms have already practised steps to attempt to stop the expanse of COVID-19 amongst its workers, Sen. Mark Warner (VA) is urging them to go ahead and consider assuring workers don’t suffer financial outcomes as a consequence of the virus.

In different letters to Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Postmates, Grubhub and DoorDash, Sen. Warner set out a few ideas.

The Idea’s Proposed

The first involves building a unique coronavirus health stock that would be open to gig workers if they require to take time off to get examined or self-quarantine.

The additional idea is to give workers their usual average pay, even if they can’t serve their regular average hours.

Uber, in a comment, said it is examining alternatives to repay drivers who might be affected.

In a statement, a Lyft spokesperson told that the company admires Sen. Warner’s direction but did not explicitly specify possible compensation.

DoorDash, meantime, says it intends to join in with Sen. Warner now regarding “innovative solutions” that help to improve the well-being of DoorDash’s delivery operators.

Postmates, which lately introduced up contactless delivery choices, says it will proceed to give information with its line of workers as the leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention develops.

Additionally, Postmates stated it intends to notify Sen. Warner’s office with its intentions to “invest in the well being of their resilient workforce.”

GruhHub, similarily, further says it’s centred on the wellness and security of its drivers, consumers and restaurant associates.

This focus on the acknowledgement of gig economy businesses comes at a point when several of them are attempting to fight a new California gig worker security law, which would make it tougher for these businesses to label workers as independent builders.

DoorDash delivery operators | iTMunch

Companies Outside The Gig Marketplace

Outside of the gig marketplace, firms like Microsoft and Facebook have been more proactive in this field.

Microsoft, for instance, has pledged to pay hourly operators their usual wages even if they are incapable of working as a consequence of COVID-19 concerns.

Facebook, soon after Microsoft’s statement, committed to paying its contingent operators who can’t serve during this point of concern.

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