The NSW Government has announced Australia’s largest tech hub along with home-grown technology giant Atlassian pitching in as an anchor tenant. The tech hub will be in Sydney and will be known as ‘Tech Central’. The NSW Government will be investing an amount of $48.2 million to build the largest technology hub in Australia.

The Australian tech giant Atlassian will be a permanent tenant in Tech Central and will be helping in building the 40-storey new precinct. Atlassian’s headquarters will be based in the building, above YHA Central Railway Square.

Details about the tech hub

The construction has been described as the “world’s tallest hybrid timber building” by the NSW government and is all set to begin in June 2021 and finish by 2025. Designers from New York and Australian have been appointed to work on the building. As compared to regular buildings, the carbon footprint of constructing Tech Central will be 50 per cent lower. Once the building is up and running, it will run only on renewable energy.

The new tech hub, Tech Central, will stretch from Central Station to Camperdown. The precinct will have 250,000 square metres of lavish office space. This new technology hub in Australia will be home to startups, scale-ups and innovation ecosystem partners. 20% of the office spaces in this new tech hub will be affordable spaces for startups and also be given rental support. 

More about the announcement


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said that there are some brilliant tech entrepreneurs and innovators in the state and Tech Central will help in retaining this local talent and attract some of the brightest minds in the world. Gladys says they’re building Tech Central to create more tech jobs in Australia and to promote ideas and innovation as it will contribute to Australia’s economic recovery from the pandemic.  

Atlassian Co-CEO Scott Farquhar said Sydney has the potential of becoming one of the world’s leading tech cities. According to him, the creation of a tech precinct sends a message that Australia is in the race to take a slice of the world’s most valuable and fastest-growing market. Farquhar says that if you want to work in tech, Tech Central will be the place you will want to be at.

SEE ALSO: Sydney Angels investment group invests $2.4 million in 3 tech startups

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