Technology is the most dynamic aspect of this new age. While technology keeps evolving on a regular basis, the stress levels are also increasing at an immense rate. Communication has increased a lot and not reverting back immediately has become a necessity. With so many new platforms for communication such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Facetime, LinkedIn and Instagram, responding immediately has become overwhelming and stressful.

However, there is no denying that technology has also helped in harnessing a lot of problems. In the latest HR news, digital tech is now capable of boosting wellbeing of employees in these stressful times. Apps such as the absence management software can be considered as a perfect example which is a win-win situation for both employers as well as employees. It offers 24/7 self-service staff holiday planning, recording tools for cutting frequency and cost of sickness leaves, frees up HR time and stress, helps monitor patterns and trends of employee sickness, helps HR target wellness amongst many other such features.

SEE ALSO: Middle-Skill job market witnesses an increase in demand for digital skills

Healthcare Apps

There are also other apps such as the mental wellbeing app which claims to reduce the stress of employees by 20% in four weeks. There are also other apps available which help professional support such as physiotherapists, counselors etc. available online for any assistance. Apps such as personal health assessments, personalized health alerts etc can actually help track the health of employees.

These apps intended for employee wellness and health can easily be implemented in business organizations by communicating with their HR teams. By giving access to employees to a variety of wellness tools, employer’s can begin to behavior change and improve the overall well-being and employee satisfaction.

For more HR-related news, keep reading iTMunch.