Video advertising firm Eyeview closed down in December, though its technology will remain on thanks to a purchase by Aki Technologies.

How Do The Two Complement Each Other? 

Aki CEO Scott Swanson stated that he is expecting a severe increase in the market for ad personalization, especially as customers see personalization everywhere else online.

Swanson explained that Eyeview’s technology holds out thanks to its focus on video, with “the capability to produce millions of permutations of a video creative and save them in the cloud.” 

It gives even more possibilities when joined with Aki’s current platform, which provides ads targeted for particular “mobile moments,” like whether the observer is resting at home or out running tasks.

Also, the purchase provides Aki to extend beyond mobile advertising to desktop and connected TV.

More Details About The Agreement 

The financial terms of the agreement were not revealed. Still, Swanson stated that in extension to obtaining the technology, he is also striving to bring on old Eyeview customers and recruit Eyeview team members (he assumes that he has hired approximately 15 so far and is intending for around 20). 

At the same point, he noticed that there are difficulties in resurrecting a business that had been closed down.

Aki | iTMunch

Eyeview had accumulated nearly $80 million in financing before going out of cash and laying off a unit of around 100 employees. 

Aki, meantime, had accumulated just a seed round of $3.75 million back in 2016; Swanson said that the company had developed organically since then.

The report came only after a few months since digital media expert Rob Deichert took over as CEO.

Deichert mentioned in an email that while it was disheartening to have to close down the Eyeview business, he is delighted that the technology assets have discovered a home with Aki.

He said that their business is a reasonable fit for the technology.

And even with Eyeview’s setbacks, Swanson said he is confident that the company yet works as a standalone business: “See, these guys have been operating a business that was abundant of delighted customers who were seeing good results and appear to have been frustrated when they closed down.”

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